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Two days passed really quickly.. As usual Aditya missing Zoya and looking at her pictures saved in his phone and occasionally calling her... Zoya on the other hand was too missing him and she too realised that it was love that she developed for him in his absence..

Aditya woke up with a bright smile and was so eager to run to college. He skipped his breakfast and took his Bike and rode to college ...He was anxious to meet her.
Zoya came to college but she looked kind of sad... She wanted to see Aditya but doesn't want to confess her feeling for him as she is going to her native place..
She will be back in ten days because she have to attend her cousins wedding.
She thought after coming from her native place she will confess to him.

Aditya saw Zoya sitting in the classroom with another girl.

Aditya : zoya

Zoya was happy seeing Aditya she ran to him and smiled widely at him.

Zoya: Aditya ..How are you?

Aditya: iam really fine..

Zoya: I will be going to Missourie today after the classes  for my cousins wedding and will only be back by ten days.

Aditya's face fell.

Aditya: I thought to spend time with you.

Zoya: even me.

Aditya: ok ill wait for you...come soon.

Zoya: sure Aditya

After classes zoya returns to her home and the siddique family is all set to go to their native places. Roshnaq noticed zoya was not in her cheerful mood ... She looked kinda gloomy.

Roshnaq: zoya beta what happened? U are not in a happy mood. Usually you are the one who is most excited than noor. Now what?

Zoya: nothing ammi...im fine..

Roshnaq kisses zoya's forehead lovingly. And rushes to do the other remaining work.

Aditya is so sad on learning that zoya will be away from him for some days.
He thought so hard and made a plan to visit zoya at her home town.

Aditya : Arjun ... Ill be away from home for ten days. Just tell mom and dad I have gone to attend a seminar in another college.

Arjun: ok bhai.. Take care and bye..

Zoya packed all her bags and they were waiting at the railway station to go.

Noor: Ammi its good we choose train...

Roshnaq: zoya always loved travelling in train. But Abbu was not interested with this idea. Finally I had to convince him.

Zoya: I wish this train comes soon.

Waseem : look that announcement is of our train's.

They got inside the train. They booked for the reservation class and finally got settled im their seats.

Zoya sat on the side seat while Waseem and Roshnaq seated on the opposite single sat. Noor took her headphones and climbed the upper berth.

Zoya took a novel from her bag and started reading when she heard a familiar sound her heart bet fast and she looked to find Aditya standing in front of her.

Aditya(as if talking to a stranger): excuse me madam.. My number is 351 .. So where is my seat?

Zoya was sitting in complete shock

Aditya again called her

Waseem: your number is opposite to her

Aditya : thank u sir.

Aditya took his seat and took out his mobile.

Zoya immediately took her phone and messaged him 

Now the conversation between them is shown below
  Z: how u came here?
A:with legs
Z; stop playing Aditya
A: I cant stay without seeing you for 10 days.
Z: so what r u going to do
A: what I do almost everyday
Z :what
A: follow u
Z: what if Abbu catches
A: ill fall on his legs and say I cant leave his daughter. I love her.
Z: haha funny.
A: now dont message let me enjoy my view.
Z: ok

Zoya kept her phone back and shifted her focus outside the window. While Aditya was staring at zoya through his sunglasses.
Zoya understood that in pretending of sleeping with sunglasses he is seeing her.

Zoya took her phone and messaged him.

Z: what r u doing with the sunglasses on?
A: im seeing the most beautiful creation of god.
Z: so cheesy lines
A: ok.. Im seeing the mother of my future kids and the grandmother of my grandchildren.
Z blushed at his words and kept her phone back.

It was night everyone was ready to sleep.
Waseem and Roshnaq took the lower berths. Noor took the middle one and zoya took the top one and Aditya took the top one opposite to zoya.

Waseem and Roshnaq slept because of tiredness. Noor too slept after some time but sleep was away for Aditya and Zoya.
They both were looking at each other smiling. Aditya blew a kiss to Zoya. She blushed and looked away from him. Her heart was telling her to tell him that she love him soo much.

Aditya slowly whispered to zoya to come out to the door side of the train. First Zoya hesitated and after Aditya pleading again she gave into his demand and both of them tiptoed without awaking anyone else. They reached the door side.

The train was moving in a faster pace. Aditya held zoya's hand and both of them stood near the door. The door was closed.
Zoya remembered Riyas words and hugged Aditya tightly. He was confused but he too hugged her back. They stood in the hug for sometime untill zoya withdrawed herself. She looked into his eyes and leaned to his ear and whispered softly " I love You Aditya"

Aditya was least expecting her confession. She kissed his cheeks and was about to go back to her berth but he pulled her back by her waist and hugged her and whispered to her ear "is it dream or real''
She said its real and Aditya asked her to proove it. She pecked his lips softly and ran to her berth. Aditya was smiling like an idiot and he followed her to the berth.

He climbed top and saw zoya looking at him with twinkling eyes. He blew a kiss to her this time she caught it and kissed it and threw it to him .. He caught it and kept in his heart.

Zoya giggled at him and soon shifted to sleep. Aditya too slowly drifted to sleep

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Bye untill we meet next time..

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