2. Sotiris' night of wonders

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Sotiris lit another cigarette. It had been a long time since he last enjoyed sex that much.

"All the smoke comes over me, Sotiris," the young girl next to him complained.

Sotiris stared at her. He didn't even remember her name. Nor did he remember the name of the woman with whom he had spent the previous night. This seemed ridiculous to him and he smiled.

"I will put it out since it's bothering you," he said, and his lips formed a sardonic smile. "On second thought, I'd rather we repeated what we were doing earlier. Smoking can wait."

And after he extinguished the cigarette, he placed his face between her breasts and deluged her with countless kisses. Then he used his tongue to lick her nipples sensuously.

"Oh, you're driving me crazy, Sotiris..."

"I know, Ismene... I know..."

"How did you just call me?"

Sotiris raised his head abruptly, realising that the second round would never be completed...

"Ain't you called that?" he asked her.


The young woman, whatever she was called, was furious. He had driven her crazy indeed, albeit not in the way he hoped. Her face, which had abandoned the laxity of pleasure, was deformed as quick as a flash and her expression became very harsh and fierce.

"I was confused, cutie-pie. It's too late... What's your name?"

"IRENE!" the girl shrieked, giving him a murderous look.

"Oh yes, Irene! Of course! Well, at least I remembered it starts with an 'I'."

"Get off me!" said the girl and strode away from the bed.

"Seriously?" said Sotiris pretending to have taken it as an affront.

"Completely seriously!"

"Come on now... Don't tell me you're leaving!" said Sotiris and stood up watching her dressing up.

She disregarded him and headed towards the door of the house. She opened it, but before leaving, she turned back to face him.

"You're a jerk, Sotiris!" she told him. Then she groped at the door and left.

"Why do I always stumble upon such crazy chicks?" Sotiris asked himself and lay back on his bed.

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