Chapter 3

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It was night time already, kicking the rocks at the plastered ground. "How was the food darling?" you aunt asked,  you smiled. 

"it was good,  i mean the best" you said and gigglee,  "oh,  glad to hear that darling" she said as she smiled.

"by the way,  goodnight y/n" she said,  you said it back as you were on the way to your room..

You did you hair already,  skin care and stuff. You hopped to your bed,  your arms spread wide. "ahh~ time to sleep!" you said as you rolled to your side.

you dozed off, feeling your muscles that are already relaxed.

3:06 am

You suddenly woke up to a sound of a man singing,  you narrowed your eyes,  looking at the dark space of your room confused. "aishhh" you said as you stretched your arms,  getting up.

You scratch your bum as you scratch your head. "what time is it?" you said as you looked at the clock, "3:06? in the morning?" you said as you opened your curtains and saw lights around the hotel.

You opened your door,  taking a couple feets back because of how cold outside was, "ah fuck it" you said as you grabbed a coat at the back of the door,  wearing before going outside..

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