Chapter 2 I love you

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(going to skip to book 3)
13 years later
Amara was both water bender and fire bender. She did not use her fire bending that much, she only used it when going against serious opponents
She has a big crush on Zuko. Toph and Katara are the only ones who know and Appa. Zuko is actually into Amara, he could not ignore the fact she was also a Fire bender, not only that but her determination to protect the one she cares for. And her beautiful jeweled blue eyes that made him wanna die for her

Amara P.O.V.
Me and the gang stopped at a nearby village, we split up into groups of two
I was paired with Zuko, who I totally not have a crush on
"so what we gonna get?" I said looking away from his totally not attractive face
"Ok so your brother (Sokka) said that we had to get the blankets that we need for our trip" We got the blankets and got a snack
"So Amara are you thinking of seeing anyone?" I froze
"Huh?" I accidentally said aloud
Zuko chuckled at my probably dumb face I was making
"are you going to start dating, ya know after the war?"
He says as he took a bite into his dango
"umm maybe, if Sokka let's me"

I say remembering the time one of the guys from the Earth kingdom asked me out, I was going to say yes, until a boomerang hit the boys face and knocked him unconscious

"Uhh so what about you?, You gonna start dating someone?" I say as I opened the door to the store and walk in

"Well I do have my eye on this one girl" Zuko said with a little pink on his cheek. I was a little sad, 'I wonder who it is, Katara probably she's super pretty so I kinda saw that coming'
"Oh well, I bet she is going to be happy with such a strong and handsome guy by her side" I say with my usual lazy smile

Zuko blushed deeply 'wow he must really like this girl' I thought as I grabbed about 5 blankets
And paid for them
"You really think that, I mean I tried to kill her a few times"

"Pifft" I ended up laughing historically
"W- what's so funny!?" Zuko was blushing even deeper
"Hah, no it's just how meny people have you tried killing?" It was a funny thought

Zuko sighed and just shook his head
"Honestly I don't even know" I laughed even more, this time Zuko joined in on it

3rd P.O.V.
The two soon regrouped with everyone else,
"Yo Amara check this out!" Aang shouted from above
Amara looked up, she was soon lifted up by the wind and was twirling around

Amara was in a fit of giggles
"Hey come on you two stop playing around!" Sokka yelled at his younger sister and his friend

They both got back down
As Amara got down she lost her balance and almost fell
Zuko quickly cought her by her waist

Amara and Zuko blushed deeply
"Umm thanks man" Amara said as she was now standing up properly
"Yeah no problem" Zuko was very happy about this moment if you were Sokka you could see the smirk on his face

"Hey guys look a festival is going on tonight!" We all looked at Katara who was holding a flyer

Aang and Amara walked up to her and looked at the flyer
"This sounds pretty fun" Amara said looking at Sokka
"Can we go pleaseee" Amara gave him her puppy eyes which Zuko blushed at
Sokka tried to resist, but Amara rarely did this kinda thing so he gave up and said yes

"Yay thanks!" Amara gave her brother a kiss on the cheek and celparated her victory with Aang by jumping up and down like two school girls in love

Katara just giggled at the site of her little sister acting like a five year old

Time skip to nighttime
The gang was going to set Amara and Zuko up tonight, that is why Katara
Wanted to go to the festival
So she can use this for them to confess to each other
"I still don't like this"
Katara rolls her eyes at her brothers whining
"Come on Sokka don't you want her to be happy?" Katara says while picking out a Kimono
Amara never liked Kimonos so she said she would just were her water tribe clothes

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