Chapter 8: Talking

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After Amara was finished teaching Aang who only had a little fire going out of him, Aang went and hung out with Katara

Amara wanted to be alone so she stayed by the water fall.

As Amara was just chilling she heard a voice. Y/n turned her head and sees
Kai giving her a warm smile.
"Ah Kai, is there something that you need" Amara asked with a little smile

"Sorry if I'm bothering you hun, I just wanted to ask you a few questions" Kai sat down next to his long lost daughter

"What did you want to ask me about?"

Kai looks at Amara then to the ground
"Well I just wanted to get to know you better, since we are going to fight side by side"

Amara smiled at the man next to her
"Yeah, why not"

Amara talked about a lot of things, about how her and her siblings meet Aang, soon she was talking about Zuko

"Then Sokka drank this juice from a cactus and started to act all weird, started talking about a big mushroom" Kai laughed as Amara just chuckled

"So how about you, got any funny stories about you and your brother?" Amara asked

Anastacius froze and then frown. He then sighed "Me and my brother.... We haven't really been close that much as we used to"

Amara looked at Anastacius's face that was sadden but there was another emotion that she couldn't recognize
Amara looked back to the flowing river and sees her reflection

"A wise man(*cough* Iroh *cough*) once told me, the only people in this world that will always be on your side is your sibling" Anastacius knew he was already late for his brothers forgiveness so he thought there was no use

"I am too late to ask him of forgiveness"

Amara smirked "did you try?" Anastacius shook his head
"Ah you see that's why. You didn't even try to ask him for forgiveness and if you are planning on asking him for forgiveness you have to apologise for what ever you did to him"

"For a young lady you really are wise"
Amara blushed at the comment and shook her head "No I'm just telling you what someone else told me"

Anastacius smiled and ruffles Amara's head. Y/n giggles and gently brushes off his hand "oh yeah if you don't mind me asking what kind of bending do you do?" Anastacius looks at Amara confused then remembered what she was talking about

"Well your going to have to find out" Y/n huffs and crossed her arms
"Ok I'm starving, Katara and the other girls should be finished with food"

The two head back to the camping site and eat happily with everyone else

Sorry short chapter school is a living hell. Hope you all are safe and your family too.

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