Chapter 5 Group hug

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It has been 2 weeks and today is the day for Amara to provide proof
Of princess Athanasia's innocence

Amara's P.O.V.
I was now in front of the emperor and besides him was his loyal puppy
Felix Robane

I was explaining the fact of how it could be Athanasia who poison princess Jennette, but then I moved on of how she could have got the poison

"What I have heard, princess Athanasia has not been favored by his majesty or by anyone else, well besides her servants" I saw how everyone seemed rather confused of while I was pointing something that they have already known

"Well you see the reason why I brought this up was because princess Athanasia has never had any contact of the outside world, and none of her servants can get the kind of poison that was given to princess Jeanette"

I here the nobleman mumbling rather loudly
"Silence" Claude spoke in a cold voice

I sighed and continue
Momo flew in and gave me the bottle of herbs
"you see these herbs, can hurt someone, but not kill them, whoever chose this knew what they were doing, they knew that the two princess were going to have tea together" I give the bottle to Momo
And he gave it to Claude

"This person was afraid of the fact that, princess Athanasia would take the throne and wanted only princess Jennette to be the one to take the throne" the air in the room became thick, I look to see Athanasia in the front row along side with Lily I gave them a smile

"This person has to be close to princess Jeanette" I look to my left and see Jennette, her eyes are filled with horror 'poor girl, she has been being used this whole time' I thought

"And who do you think this person is"
I smirked
"that is something that is rather shocking" I said smiling at Claude, I walked to the back of the court room

I felt the eyes of all the nobleman on me, I stopped

I grabbed a wrist of a woman
She yelled in her annoying voice
"Countess Rosalia" everyone gasped

"Huh, get you hands off me you imbecile!" She shouted
I still had my tight grip on her
"You poisoned your own niece, and framed princess Athanasia for it"
She was struggling
"let go of me I don't know what you are talking about!"

"You thought if you got princess Athanasia out of the way princess Jennette would have more easy access to the throne" I could see panic rising in her eyes, my eyes were filled with danger

"Did you not here me when I said let go!" I let go of her hand and she back hands my face

"Princess!" I here Felix's voice
He quickly stand's in front of me
In a protective way

I look at her with no emotion
"Did you know what you just did,
You slapped someone of the royal family" her face looks like she just stepped on a pile of shit

I had a red hand mark on my left cheek
"No your wrong aunty wouldn't do that to me!" I look to see Jennette in a pink and blue dress

My eye brow quirks up, I look to see her aunt on the floor in despair
"Are you sure about that... Cousin"
Jennette was on the verge of tears
I looked up to Claude, he gives me a nod
"Guards lock her up!"

Mini time skip
'2 long weeks of this world's bullshit' I say while stretching

"So you are leaving" I look to see a man with black hair and eyes
"Oh yeah, can't wait to see my friends again" he said his name was
Viscount Patterson, I meet him last week
"What about you parents?"

"Hehehe" I giggled out of nowhere, but not in a creepy way I swear
"W-what are you laughing about?"
Patterson asked me while looking befuddled
"no,no, my mother died giving birth to me, and I was told my father was dead, but I was adopted by the water tribe's chief he is the best dad I could ever ask for... But"

"But what?" I sighed and smiled
"Nah nothing" Me and him just sat there that is until Felix and Claude came

"Awww his royal highness came to see me off, how sweet" I say teasingly
He smirked 'Huh?" Why was he smirking
"you are my niece after all"
He says while folding his arms

"Huh?" Now I was a little scared
"Are you sick or something?"
Felix and Patterson laughed
Later on Athanasia, Lily and surprisingly Jeanette showed up as well

"You know, you guys really had to come and see me off" I look at Everyone
"you have helped us all and you are a member of the royal family"
Athanasia says with a big smile
"Ya know you should smile like that more often, it looks good on ya" I say while winking at her with a grin

Lucas finally arrived
"Oh hey, why isn't the asshole that brought me to this place" I say with a murderous smile,
"Open the portal now before I brake your bones"

With out another word he opens the portal, I sighed
"Ok well wish me good luck in war" I say, as Momo waved to them, I jumped in and yelled a little

Zuko's P.O.V.
It has been two weeks and Amara has been gone. I still believe she is alive and she will come back
We all are still in the woods were she was taken away

"Guys it's been two weeks" Aang says
While leaning against Appa
"Don't worry Aang she is going to be back, somehow" Toph says as she lays on the ground

Me and Sokka were sulking, right now what we have in common in that we couldn't save Amara
"Hey, you really like my sister don't ya?" I look up to see Sokka, he had eye bags, and I bet I do too
"yes, she gives me this feeling, something that I have never felt before" I say clutching my chest

"Not evan with Mia?" I froze at that and nod "No, not even her"

Out of nowhere the same hole appears but in the sky
I pointed up everyone looks up
"What where?" Well except for Toph

It took a while but something, no someone came out of the hole
It looks kinda like
"AMARA!" Katara yells. Yes I see her

"Amara!" Me and Sokka say in union
"Someone catch me damn it!"
She yells, I wasted no time and ran to catch her

She feel into my arms, she looks at me with her blue eyes
"Oh my prince charming, you've saved me, my hero!"
She says and kisses my cheek
I blushed and smiled

"Amara" I put her down and kiss her
"Ok you two" we stopped kissing and look behind me to see the whole gang
"Amara!" I stepped back as Sokka and Katara hugs Amara
"Ok...guys....I can't breathe!" They let go and laugh

"Oh my poor little babies, I'm so sorry I left!" Amara goes to the two youngest Toph and Aang

"I love both of you so much" she says as she shower's the two with kiss Toph and Aang don't fight it they like that Amara treat's them like her kids

"So what happened"

Amara's P.O.V.
I tell everyone what happened they were shocked
"You found your family, why didn't you stay?" Sokka says with a sadden face

"Oh don't be like that, how could I leave you guys especially when there is a war on its way" I say while hitting Sokka's head
"Yes there my blood family but you all are my family as well"

"Amara *sniff* you so nice!" Aang says as he hugged me then Toph came in the hug Soo everyone, then we had a group hug

Who am I? (WMMAP X Teen OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now