Chapter 3 Foolish man

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It was now morning and the gang were packing up in the woods
Amara and Zuko became a couple, Sokka was being held back from Katara, when he saw Amara and Zuko cuddling

"Yo me and Katara gonna get some water" I yelled to my brother, Zuko and Toph
"Ok love you!" Zuko yells back, I giggled
"yup love you too!"
I was being dragged away by Katara

"You really are into Zuko, aren't you?"
My sister said while we use water
I lightly blush
"Well let's see if dad will like him"
I froze
"Ah shit" Katara laughed
"Ok I'm done" Katara says with her hands on her hips
"Same here"
I says starching

Katara walks in front of me
Suddenly a big blue hole appears at my feet, I quickly use my water bending to create a whip
I use the whip, and attached it to a tree
"KATARA!" Katara looks at me her eyes widened in horror
Katara does the same thing I did and attached the whip to my hand that I reached out to her

I see Toph, Zuko, Aang and Sokka
"AMARA" They tried pulling me out of the hole. I was slipping
I looked at My siblings, then saw Toph
Trying to pull me to her with her Vines, I looked to see Zuko helping Toph to try and pull me out, Aang was using his air bending to try and use the wind to blow me out of the hole

I saw that they were about to get pulled in. I did not want them to be in what ever the hell this was, I don't care if I die as long as they live

I looked at them all, my bottom lip was quivering as I smiled at them
Aang seem to get the message
"NO AMARA DON'T!" I let go and fall in, I heard there screaming
Before the hole closed up Momo jumped in
"Momo!" I catch him in my arms and hug him

After a while we landed on the ground
"What the hell" I look around to see I was surrounded by trees and weird flowers and animals
"You ok Momo?" I asked as Momo
Climbed up to my shoulder

"It took you long enough" I heard a boy's voice, I turned to see a boy with short black hair and red eyes he had a beauty mark like me but only one
"Who?" I was confused 'was he the one who made the hole?'
"Yes, I was"
"Huh how did, you-"
"I can read minds"
He said while, I stood up and dusted myself down

"What the hell is that?" The boy points to Momo, I gasped dramatically
"He is not an, 'it' he is my dear Momo"
I say with pride, Momo squeaks at my comment

"Eh, ugh whatever, I summoned you her because your cousin is in trouble
She is going to be killed and she needs your help" he says as I picked my cloak up and put it on me

"My cousin?" I say in confusion
'I don't have any cousins'
I thought to myself as I gently pet Momo

"Yes you do have a cousin, she is from your father's side, you don't have much time"

Next thing I know we were in an alley
There was screaming and cussing
"Kill her!"
"That damn wench!"
"You monster!!" Me and the boy got out of the alley and saw a huge crowd
I looked up to see a beautiful girl with blonde hair and pale skin
She was going to be hanged
"That is your cousin she is about to get executed for a crime she never committed" I here the boys voice

Me and the girls eyes meet and I feel
Angry, not at her but what is happening to her
"Hey what's your name again?" I said walking to were she was
"Thank you Lucas" I zoomed my ass to the girl and carry her
"Who, what?" The girl shouted

"Don't worry I'll protect you"
I say with my lazy smile
I hold the girl tight
"Hold on" I made her wrap her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips
"Get her!" A guy and some other dudes come at me with swords
I used my water bending to consume them in the water

I run past them and jumped on top of a building that had two more people with the same eyes as me and the girl that was in my arms
"Ahhhh" the girl with brown hair screams, the man with blonde hair just stairs at me

The girl that was in my arms was shaking whispering the same thing over and over again
"I didn't do it"
This pissed me off more
I jumped off of the building and to the ground that is were I was surrounded
I put the girl down
"hey what's your name?" I said looking into her eyes
"Athanasia" she says with her betan up face, I smiled "that is a beautiful name I'm Amara" I say as I formd a barrier of water around her
"just stay there let me handle this, my water will heal you and protect you, so just rest" I say as I formed a sword of fire

"Come at me if you wanna die!"
I yelled as they all came at me at the once

Athanasia P.O.V.
I thought I was going to die
Until this girl saved me,
"Come at me if you wanna die!"
Amara yells as the royal guards attacked her 'She has the same eyes as me and father' I thought as I sat down
And felt her magic working
'She saved me, and now she is risking her life for me, and she is related to me' I see Amara use her sword of fire
To release more fire to the guards

I looked at her in awe
Suddenly the guards stopped attacking

Amara's P.O.V.
The asshats stop attacking
"Huh?" They all bowd down I was now beyond confused
'Tf are they doin-' I froze as I saw the man from earlier, he had the same eyes as me and Athy
"Hey Mr. She is innocent!"
I yelled as I point my sword at Athy
His eye brow quirks up
"And why do you think that" he says giving me a glare.
"No the real question is why do you think she is not innocent" I say while giving him a smirk
"She was the only one with princess Jennette when she got poisoned" he says not showing any emotion of any kind, so I decided to do the same
"Is that all the information you have, if so I would say that is not enough" I say as I gave him a chilling look

"One of your maid's would have put poison in her tea, and framd Athy for it" I say cracking my neck while my eyes closed
"Or your princess faked it and wanted Athy dead rather one"
I shrugged my shoulders

"Do you know who your talking to?"
He says glaring at me even more
"Yes I am talking to a foolish man, who did not do a further investigation on this, you would have killed an innocent girl who is your daughter"
I say with a playful smile that could piss anyone off

It was silent, you could hear crickets
"Fine" he says with his eyes closed
"Huh?" I was confused I thought he would refuse to let her go
"She will live until court day, as you find a way of who poisoned Princess Jennette" he walked away

Momo fly's to my shoulder "wow thanks for the help" I say as I turned to Athy and put my water back in my pouch, I put the barrier down and saw her tear filled face

"Wha, why are you crying, don't cry!"
I got down to my knees and saw that she was fully healed
"Thank you, Thank you!" She says as she hugged me

I smiled and hugged her back
"PRINCESS!" I heard a woman's voice and see a brown haired woman running at us with tears going down her face
"Lily!" Athy yells
The woman got to her knees
And hugs Athy while crying

"Thank you so much for saving the princess, thank you so much!" The woman who is named Lillian
Bows down to me, I fliched at that action
"please don't bow so low for me" Lillian looks at me in confusion

"You are of royal blood, your eyes says it all your highness" I frown at what she called me, I sighed
I took my cloak off and put it on Athy
"Your father really is a foolish man"

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