Chapter 7 How it happened

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Zuko and Sokka had found out about the prison that was holding Sokka, and Katara's father were held, nobody knows about this, but the ones that do are Iroh and Amara

"Ok how about we start with something simple" Amara was now with Aang, the new comer's are also watching them, but had an invisible barrier

"What is the princess doing?"
Kuro(Felix) asked, Iroh smiled "She is teaching him how to fire bend, I remember Teaching her mother" Kai(Anastacius) perked up at that
"You knew Elena?". "Oh yes she was my student, she was very talented" Iroh said as he looked at the two kids that were training

"Ugghhgg I can't do it!" Aang shouted out of frustration as he plopped down on the grass "It's because you are not feeling the fire, you are only thinking of it as a weapon" Amara strongly stated

Aang pouted, witch Amara was very weak to Aang and Tophs sad and cute faces. Amara sighed and sat in front of Aang "Ok sit up, I wanna show you something" Amara grabbed Aang.
"The only reason why you can't do it is because there is something blocking you, or should I say someone?" Amara said as she saw Aang hang his head low, Amara frowns "This is about burning Katara"

Aang nodded whilst still looking away from Amara's jeweled eyes "Look Aang I know you're afraid, trust me I felt that" Amara says while patting Aang's head.

"No. You never get scared, your just saying this so you can make me feel better" Aang says as he turned around and crossed his arms "No Aang, I'm not" Amara said as she rolled her eyes at Aang, and how much he can act like a teenage girl "Really when?" Aang sassily stated

Amara looks down to the river and smiled sadly "When I first learned how to blood bend"

"Blood bend?"Keres (Jennette) asked everyone saw Iroh's unpleased face
"Blood bending is when you can control someone's body by using there blood, only water benders know how to do it, though I was not aware of her already knowing" he says

Aang sat up looking at Amara in confusion "Didn't you learn from that old lady that took those people into captive so she could make them suffer like she did?" Aang says. Amara chuckled softly at how Aang says that as if it were normal

"Nope"Amara said

Suddenly in the magic barrier it starts to show a flashback
"What is happening?" Thea (Athanasia) asked looking at the place made of ice

"It's a flashback, while Amara talks about her past we actually see it happen" Kaname (Lucas) says
Kia(Anastacius) sees a little girl

"It was on the day of the raid, I was with my dad he was telling me a story about my mom" As Amara spoke the others see little Amara setting on a man's lap while smiling

Suddenly screaming was heard the man that was holding little Amara gently put her down "Papa?" Little Amara looked up to her Papa scared and confused
"Don't worry, stay here me and your uncle's will take care of this, just stay here" was all he said then left

"I was confused for a few seconds, but soon figured out what was happening, I then remembered a friend of mine" Aang had a sad frown on his face as Amara had a sad smile

"I ran out of the hut and ran to my friend's place" The others saw little Amara as she ran through the crowd of people. Soon little Amara made it to her friends place and what the little girl saw will haunt her for life

"Oh God" Hana (Lily) covered her mouth in horror at what she saw on the screen

"Once I got there... I was too late" Amara hung her head down and closing her eyes to prevent tears coming down her face

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