Chapter 9

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It has been almost two weeks since Sokka and Zuko left. And Amara's mind is being filled with situations she is hoping did not happen to her stupid brother and dear lover

"I'm sure they're fine. Just calm down will you?" Aang said tring to calm Amara down but it only helped for a few seconds.

"What if Azula found them!" Amara said. Aang sighed. It was clear Amara was not going to calm down
"How long does it take to get meat!?" Amara shouted in anger.

"You think she's on her. . . thing" Toph whispered to Katara.
"Probably" Katara whispered back at Toph

"On her what?" Kuro(Felix) asked the two girls. Katara just laughed it off and said it was nothing.

"Amara can you help me with somthing please!" Katara said. Amara looked back at her sister and her panic expression had turnd into a soft smile.
"Y-yeah I'll be there in a sec k?" Amara said

Katara nods as she watched Amara go into a tent to get something.
"It seems prin- I mean miss Amara cares for you a lot" Hana(Lillian) says as Katara looked back at her in confusion
"What. Why would you say that?" Katara said fully facing her body to Hana.

"Just a second ago she was panicking like crazy but when you asked her for a favor she stopped her panicking and agreed to your order" Hana said. This brought the attention of Thea and Keras.
"Well I am her older sister after all. And I think Amara just dose what I say cause she loves me more then Sokka"
Katara says with pride

Toph scoffed
"No. Amara obviously loves me more" Toph says
"Why do you thunk that?" Keras(Jennett) asked. She wanted to know what would make Amara love her as much as she loves Toph and Katara.
"Yes I would like to know as well" Katara said. Katara was clearly unhappy. Toph just smirked.
"One, I'm younger than you. Two, I'm cuter than you. And last but definitely not least I'm not on her ass when she kills someone. Unlike sombody" Toph said

Katara gasped but soon had anger on her face
"Toph. Killing people is bad. You know she could have found a better way to put combustion man down without killing him!" Katara shouted. And that brought the attention of Anastacius, Claude and Lucas as well.

"She had to do it. If she didn't we would be dead she was protecting us. She was protecting the Avatar" Toph said, anger filling her voice as she clinched her fist.

"I know. But did she have to do it that way?"
Katara said

"What do you mean" Toph and Katara froze at a voice that was familiar but the town was not. The two look at Amara and Iroh

"Amara" Katara frowns as she saw Amara's face. So did Toph.
They had never seen this on her face. They were so unfamiliar with Amara being nothing but angry, happy, sad and tired they could not identify what the emotion was on her face.

"Tell me Katara what way did you want me to do it?" Amara said while crossing her arms.

What was Amara feeling right now?
Honestly hurt. Like very very hurt.
How could her sister say that about her.
Amara kniws that killing was wrong but the combustion man was going to kill them.
Amara made a choice and that choice kept them alive.

"Look, I'm just saying that we are at war here. We are trying to not kill people in the process. We are trying to create peace"
Katara said. Katara and Amara had argued many times but this was somthing different.

"But we're alive" Amara said as her voice went up a little. Anastacius could see his daughters jeweled eyes glow.

"Now, now you two lets not get at each other's throats. Amara please respect your older sister" Iroh had jumped in sencing Amara's anger leaking out.
"And Katara, your sister was doing what she had to do to protect the Avatar and her family. So please the both of should not fight. Save that for the battle feald" Iroh said with a big grin on his face.

The two sisters look at each other then look away.
"I guess"
The two agree no arguments for the time being.

Amra and Katara had to gef more water together. Katara was feeling bad of what she had said to her sister.
But she had never been in this kind of situation with Amara.

"Hey Katara" Amara had spoken out of nowhere. Katara turned her head so fast he thought it might brake off.
"Yes?" Katara said rather quickly.

Amara frowned and avoided eye contact with Katara.
"I'm Sorry" Amara had a sulen face and her jeweled eyes filled with guilt.
"It's just- he was going to kill you and Toph and there was no wat in hell I was going to lose the two of you" Amara fully turned her body to Katara who's eyes were wide in shock.
"I had to kill him."
Katara frowns and hung her head down

"I know. But you used blood bending of all things. Amara I know things have gone to hell for you. Y/n she-"

"Don't. Do not bring her name up. Not now please" Katara backed up as she could see Y/n's eyes glow. But it wasn't how they glowed eirler. Instead of a blue jeweled glow her eyes were red. Amara closed her eyes and shook her head.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that" Y/n took one step twords Katara but her sister just took one step back.

"Katara. You know I didn't mean that. I- please it happens out of nowhere sometimes" Y/n said with pleading eyes.
The last time Katara saw Amara's eyes like that was the time when she killed combustion man.

Katara's frowned deepened but this time out of pity for her sister. Amara looked desperate to have human contact.
Katara hesitantly walked to Amara and hugged her.
"I know. It's ok. I shouldn't have brought her up. Im im sorry" Katara apologized.

The two hugged for a long time they didn't notice that somone was watching them out of complete jealousy.

Happy new years
I know its been awhile but things have been happening. But lets just hope I updated more this year k?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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