Chapter 4 Remembering the pain

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Claude was both perplexed and amused By the fact his brother's ex lover had a child,

Claude requested an audience with the young girl

He was sipping his tea when the girl came she was wearing the same thing she wore last time "What did you need me for, your Majesty" she said while remand standing

"Uhh you highness are you going to sit down?" Filex who was at the suppose execution for the second princess
Saw how she protected
Princess Athanasia, he admired this childs bravery and how she stood up to his Majesty, he looked up to her even more
"Why do you all keep calling me that I ain't his child"

Filex is also scared of how she speaks her mind and does not care who it is
"Yes but you are the previous emperor's daughter, so it is only reasonable to call her highness
That" Filex says while smiling

"Sit" Claude spoke in a cold voice
Amara looked at him with no emotion
Amara sat down
"What do you want?"
Amara said while slouching

Claude noticed a scar on the child's collarbone it looked old
"You have a scar" he pointed out

Felix saw it as well and frown
'Who ever did that is going to pay'
Felix thought as he saw the scar
"Huh, this is from years ago from fighting, others have suffered worse"

Amara says as she folded her arms
"Is that all, if so I will take my leave"
Amar looks at her Uncle's jeweled eyes as he looked into his nieces
Eyes that shimmer under the sun light
"No, I have asked you here to explain a few things to you so it can help you with your investigation"

"You say what now?" Amara was confused was he supposed to be the enemy?

"Yes and if you win, I will give you what ever you desire" this was unusual for Claude, Filex did not feel good about this

Claude gave Amara everything she needed
"is there anything else I need to know?" Amara asked while getting off her seat
"I just have one question for you" Claude said

Amara looked at her very fucked up uncle
"What is it that you want, if you win the case" Claude was curious on what she would request

Amara already knew the answer to that question it was a no-brainer
"I want you to send me back to my realm, a guy just made me come here and I left my friends behind, there is a war and I must fight alongside them"
Amara said with determination in her eyes

That is not what Claude expected
"Is that all?" Felix was about to pass out. A war, she must fight, another realm!?

"No, you must let Athanasia live her life and not bother her or her loved ones, that goes for the other kid you got" Amara said while pushing her chair in

Amara left but had to be accompanied by Filex
"Your highness-" Filex was cut off "Don't call me that, just call me Amara please" Filex nods and continues "Amara, if you don't mind me asking how you learned how to fight like that?" Filex wanted to know who taught her how to fight so skillfully

Amara just said
"Well I'm self taught in fire bending, but I needed help from Katara, my sister
For me to water bend"

"There is another princess?"
Felix asked

"She is not my blooded sister but she is like one to me so we call each other siblings" Amara said while stretching her arms well yawning

"Ok since you are asking questions I'll just give you my whole resume"
Amara says teasingly but she was going to tell him her info

"I'm 13, I am a part of the Water tribe
My mother is dead, and my biological father is dead as well as you said,
I am both a water bender and a fire bender, I am in a relationship with prince Zuko, and I like food"

Amara say with a smirk at the last part,
"Oh I see" Filex said not wanting to pray on her that much especially the part with her relationship with a prince Zuko

Amara made it to the ruby palace
"Ah Amara, you are back safely thank goodness" Lily said
"yup, thanks for worrying about me" Amara said as she plopped on the couch
"There is no need to thank me, it is you who I should thank, you saved my princess" Lily was now devoted to the princess and Amara

"She is family, and I never and I mean ever let go of family members
Evan if it is that good for nothing Uncle of mine" Lily sweatdrop at that last comment

"Is there anything you would like to drink?" Lily said so she would know what to get Amara for her long day of hard work

"Umm do you guys have any apple juice?" Amara loves apple juice
"Yes I will get that for you, just one moment" Lily left the room

Amara was finally alone, she now ended up falling asleep

As Amara fell asleep, a cloaked figure came from the shadows

The cloaked figure got closer to Amara
They stopped right in front of her
As the figures hand reached out for her Lily open the door, in an instant the figure disappeared and it was now only Amara that Lily saw in the room

Lily saw the sleeping little girl and smiled, 'So cute!' Lily thought to herself as she put the apple juice down on the coffee table and went to grab a blanket

A few seconds after Lily left the room
Someone else entered the room, it was a young girl with blonde hair
And blue jeweled eyes that were filled with curiosity

As she entered the room she saw her sleeping little cousin 'Ah she is asleep'
Athanasia was kinda hoping to talk to her saviour, so they could be friends
Athanasia sat at the couch that was in front of Amara

Athanasia was admiring Amara's
Hair that was as white as snow
And her skin that was a chocolate color, and Athanasia loves chocolate
She saw her thick long eyelashes that were the same color as her hair

She was beautiful, and she was strong
And kind to Athanasia, she looked at Athanasia with love. Athanasia was scared at the fact she talked back to father, she evan called him a Foolish man

Amara shifted in her sleep a little bit
She was mumbling the words
'meat', Athanasia giggled at that Amara had opened her eyes a little bit to see the peach colored ceiling
She looks to her left and smiles
"Oh hey, you ok?" Amara says while sitting up and yawning
"oh sorry did I wake you up?" Athanasia was now feeling guilty about waking her dear cousin up from her slumber

"Heh, nah you aright, but are you ok after what happened this morning..."
Athanasia remembered all the things that happened to her

How she was never loved by her own father, then Jennette came and took everything from her that she longed for, then was accused of a crime she never committed.

Athanasia was shaking, she had tears streaming down her face, she was now sobbing

Amara's big sister instincts kicked in
She got off of the comfortable couch and walked to her crying cousin, she hugged Athanasia, the blonde froze at the white haired girls warm touch
"Shhh it's ok, I swear you will never feel that kind of pain ever again, not when you're with me" Amara did not know what she had gone through but she knew it was not good

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