Info on Added Characters

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Kai Myumani: Kai Myumani is a very tall second year who is a month older than Yui. She has short brown straight hair and brown eyes. Kai was always reminding Yui of things that Yui would constantly forget. Kai loves Yui more than life and is willing to kill for her. Kai is a lesbian who is dating Yui's other childhood friend. Kai is 5'6 and loves Miso Soup. Her height allowed her to play basketball and Yui and Kai's girlfriend showed up to every game. Kai hates most guys, loves the colour blue, and refused to wear the female uniform and decided to wear the male uniform for school. Yui believes that even the best friends should still be used with honorifics so Yui calls Kai "Kai-Kun" and Kai sometimes calls Yui "Darling" or "Shortstack."

Status with parents: No connections (Yui's father acted as a parent for Kai)

Shizuki Sunama: Shizuki Sunama is a bit shorter than her girlfriend Kai Myimani. Shizuki has dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She has tanned skin and straight hair that goes past her shoulders. Shizuki is 5 months older than Yui and is a beautiful Bisexual. Shizuki hates men but considered the boys at Yui's and Kai's church "Worthy." Shizuki loved to try to get Yui to sing and dance with her. They were all previously in a band of three girls being themselves that they named "Diabolik Lovers." (Ya see what I did there?) Shizuki was given the nickname of Shi-chan by Yui. Shizuki loves her girlfriend and Yui. They used to always have sleepovers until Yui moved. Shizuki is 5'4 and has done ballet and Hip-Hop since she was 13. Yui always records each one of her recitals. Kai refuses to go but Yui loves to watch.

Status with parents: Deceased and Unknown

Life Before The Sakamaki's: Most of the boys at Yui's old school had crushes on Yui and would approach her at any time. Shizuki would shove them away from her and Kai would normally beat them up and then would get suspended. Yui had always wanted to do cheerleading but almost broke her ankle doing so, so Shizuki and Kai forbid her from going back. Kai constantly would talk about food to which Yui learned how to cook Kai's favourite foods for her birthday

Diabolik Lovers Band: The three girls formed this band when they were all 15. Kai taught Shizuki how to play guitar (that's how they fell in love) and Kai played the drums and sometimes got carried away with her solos. Yui was the singer and has had comments on how angelic her voice sounds. They were given the name "Diabolik Lovers" from their previous school because of how ruthless Kai and Shizuki were to the boys around them.

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