"Good God..."

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Shizuki let Yui out of the hug and cupped her face with her hands. She whipped Yui's tears with her thumbs. "Did you get shorter?" Shizuki asked Yui. "No babe...You got taller." Kai said kissing Shizuki on the forehead. "WAIT WHAT!?" Yui shouted. "YOU TWO ARE DATING?!?" "Oh...Probably should have mentioned that...Are you mad?" Kai asked looking slightly sad. "No! Of course not! That's amazing!" Yui said softly. Kai and Shizuki smiled. "Where is Pancake?" Someone spoke opening the door. "I told you I don't know." Someone else muttered. "Oh, there she is!" One of the voices shouted. The three girls turned around to see three boys. Two were about the height or a bit taller than Kai, and the other one was the same height as Shizuki. "Bitch-Chan~ Why are you up here? We have been looking for you for a while." Laito smiled. "Oh... Coming..." Yui walked over to them slowly. Kai grabbed Yui's arm and pulled her back. 

"Woah, Woah Woah. You're not going with three boys...ONE OF THEM JUST CALLED YOU A BITCH!" Kai yelled aggravated. "Oh my! I am so sorry!" Laito said in a mocking voice. "Shut the hell up." Shizuki glared. "Good god..." Yui muttered. "Pancake. C'mon...Now." Ayato put his hand out to her. She glanced at his hand and then over to Shizuki and Kai. 'I have to do this. They will get hurt otherwise.' Yui reached out and took his hand. Ayato yanked her over to him and she fell into his chest. "Now...You must be Kai Myamani...And you must be Shizuki Sunama." Ayato pointed at the two. "Why are you with our prey?" Kanato asked. "Your what?" Shizuki crossed her arms. "You heard me." Kanato's eyes widened. "Look I don't know who the hell you are, or why you are calling Yui "Bitch-Chan, Pancake, and prey" but you seem to be scaring her. SO let her go before we make you." Kai glared. "Oh right! Introductions! I'm Laito Sakamai, This is my brother Ayato Sakamaki, and this is my other brother Kanato Sakamaki!" Laito giggled. "Well, Laito...Give us back our friend." Shizuki grumbled. Laito ignored her request and the three boys walked away.

"Why were you with them?" Ayato asked still pulling the girl. "K-Kai-Kun said to go with her to meet Shi-Chan..." Yui muttered. "So you went without telling me?" Ayato looked back at a glance. "Y-Yes..." Yui put her head down. "LET GO OF HER YOU JERKS!" Kai yelled running after them. The four stopped in their tracks. Laito was on Yui's left with his arm holding her hip, Kanato was on her right with his arm relaxed on her shoulder, and Ayato was behind her holding her arm. "What do you want? I thought ignoring you would give you a hint..." Laito rolled his eyes. "Calling us jerks? Yeesh!" Ayato giggled at Kai's insult. "We followed you since you left the roof. Yui is clearly horrified of you three for whatever reason. Whatever you have done to her must have been awful because she has never stuttered that much around anyone." Shizuki stated. "Bitch-Chan? Are you scared of us?" Laito looked down at her. Yui didn't answer. She didn't even move. 

"Yui? Want to come with Shizuki and me?" Kai put her hand out. Ayato squeezed her wrist and she flinched. "I think she wants to stay with us." Kanato tilted his head. Subaru walked down the hall and yawned. "Oh great...You three assholes..." Subaru muttered while glaring at his three brothers. "Awe Subaru-Kun!!! Are you grumpy again?" Laito playfully said. "Who is this-" Kai glanced over at Subaru. "Oh that's our younger brother Subaru," Laito happily stated. "Yui? Where is your home? Your father, is he here?" Shizuki asked. "She lives with us." Ayato butted in. "Her father is probably dead in a ditch" Yui's eyes widened at Ayato's cruel sentence. Kai clenched her fist and was about to walk over but Shizuki grabbed her arm. "Hey...Babe...You don't want to get expelled..." "IF IT MEANS SAVING YUI FROM THESE ASSHOLES THEN YES I DO!" Kai yelled. "Oh they are dating, that's...Unique-" Laito muttered. "Come on...The car should be here by now." The four boys and one girl lefts the scene. "HOW COULD YOU LET THEM GO?! SHE WAS TREMBLING, ONE OF THEM KEEPS CALLING HER "BITCH-CHAN" AND ALL THREE OF THEM WERE TOUCHING HER!" Kai yelled. "Be logical. They said she lives with them. It's not like we can change that." Shizuki stated. 

The Sakamaki's and Yui were all in the car. "How many times are we going to have to deal with those two brats?" Laito groaned. "What 'brats'?" Reiji glanced over at Laito. "Pancake's friends..." Ayato rolled his eyes. "We are full-blooded vampires, and they are humans...How stupid are you...?" Shu opened his eyes. "Don't call me stupid you asshole!" Ayato shouted back. "Then don't act stupid." Shu turned his music up. "Waste of space..." Reiji muttered to himself. Yui sighed and then just closed her eyes. 'Was that the right thing to do? Maybe I should have stayed with Shi-Chan and Kai-Kun...' 

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