"Where is She?!"

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Yui was walking down the hall of the large school she was forced to go to. 'The bell rang about 10 minutes ago. Ayato-Kun is most likely furious' a thought passed through her head. She slowly walked clutching her brown bag to her chest. She finally made it to her class to see an impatient Ayato Sakamaki. 'Oh god- OH MY I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING YOUR NAME IN VAIN!' Yui thought while flustered. "Oi Pancake! Come sit here!" Ayato whisper yelled. Yui gave a slight nod. She walked over and set her bag down beside the leg of the table. She pulled the chair out that was next to Ayato and sat down. She stared at the front of the class where the teacher was explaining Photosynthesis. "Where the hell were you?!" Ayato murmured angrily. "I-I'm sorry...I was getting my bag..." Yui muttered quietly. "You kept Yours Truly waiting!" He whispered back. "I apologize..." She quietly apologized trying to pay attention. Ayato rolled his eyes and stretched his legs out and looked at the board. "Now can someone tell me what the water cycle is?" The teacher asked. Yui shot her hand up. "Komori-Kun?" "The water cycle in order is Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation," Yui answered. "Very good!" The teacher replied. The bell rang and they were asked to head to eat lunch in the cafeteria. 

Ayato was walking beside Yui and making sure she didn't runoff. But something stopped them in their tracks "WHERE IS SHE?!" Someone yelled. "YUI KOMORI! TELL ME!" The person yelled again. Except...It didn't sound like one of the vampires, nor a male at all. It was a girl. "I SWEAR I DON"T KNOW!" Another voice yelled back. That one was a guy. But yet again, not a vampire. "Who is looking for you?" Ayato asked looking down at her. "N-No idea," Yui stuttered. Ayato put his arm around her just in case and they continued to walk past the scene. But something caught Yui's eye. The long brown hair and The longer light brown hair. The two girls that were yelling at the boys turned around and looked over at Yui. Yui's eyes widened. "YUI!" The two girls yelled at the same time. "Kai-Kun...?! Shi-Chan?!?!" Yui said surprised and confused. Kai ripped Yui out of Ayato's grip and pulled her into a hug. Shizuki joined the hug. Yui didn't hug back though. She was way too confused. 

Ayato stood there trying to figure out who these two girls are, how they knew Yui, why are they here, and what to do to get Yui back from them. "Excuse me- Who the hell are you?" Ayato asked as he crossed his arms. "Who are you?" Kai asked with her arm around Yui. "None of your business" Ayato replied. "Are you going to introduce us to whoever this is?" Shizuki looked down at Yui. "W-Wait...Why are you two here?!" Yui asked looking up at the two. Shizuki put her arm around Yui and smiled. "Great question. The answer is simple." She replied. "You know how Shizuki and I went on a trip? Well when we finally got back, Shizuki and I wanted to come to visit. We went to the church, and one of the members told us you had moved. Obviously, we decided to join you. We now live in this area and we will be transferred to this school! But sadly since we are here so late, we only have the option to continue to be here till the end of the year...Then back to the church." Kai explained. "That's less obvious than you'd think Kai-Kun..." Yui muttered, "So why do you go to night school?" Shizuki asked. "Uhh...Close to home?" Yui tried to make up an excuse. "Uh-Huh..." Kai muttered, but Kai didn't believe her one bit. "So who is the redhead?" Shizuki asked looking over at the tallboy. "Oh...This is-" Yui was cut off by Ayato grabbing her wrist. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the furious boy. "C'mon Pancake..." Ayato quietly said walking away with the short blonde. 

"Now why don't you tell me who those two people are?" Ayato asked pushing Yui into a wall in an abandoned hallway. "Wh-Where are we...?" Yui asked looking up at Ayato. "That doesn't matter. Now answer my question. Who are they?" He put his knee against the wall between her thighs. Ayato licked her neck and than paused. "Who are they?" He asked again. "Ayato-Kun! Please! Let me go!" Yui shouted in terror. "You asked for this..." Ayato said leaning down and digging his teeth into the side of her neck. He has one of his hands-on Yui's shoulder and the other holding the opposite wrist. Yui bit her lip in pain. He removed his fangs and stood back to his original height. He looked down at Yui and then whispered again "Who are they?" A bit of blood dripped off his chin. "They...They're my friends from before I lived with you and your brothers...Kai Myumani, and Shizuki Sunama..." Yui answered as she was about to fall over. But Ayato didn't seem to like her response. "Please...Don't hurt them..." 

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