"You Poor Thing!"

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Yui woke up in her usual pink be inside the large Sakamaki home. She sat up slowly trying to remember the day before, and how she got back here. But after a bit of thinking the only thing she remembered was "SHI-CHAN! KAI-KUN!" She yelled getting off her bed as fast as she could. 'Where are they?! Are they okay?! Did Ayato-Kun hurt them?!' She wondered in panic as she was putting on her uniform as fast as she could. She opened her door and speed-walked down the hall. "Hey, Bitch-Chan~" Laito put his hand on her shoulder stopping her in her tracks. "L-Laito-Kun?" Yui looked up at the redhead with the fedora and he smiled at her, but it wasn't like a smile it was more like, a pervert about to bite a tiny girl. "You seem like you're in a rush." He squeezed her shoulder tighter. "O-Ow!" Yui yipped in pain. "You smell so sweet!" Laito whispered as he pulled Yui towards him. Laito put his arms around Yui's back to hold her still. "Now remember, if you move, you could get more injured than necessary..." Laito whispered in her ear. He leaned down a bit and licked her neck.

 "Mmm...You taste so good..." He dug his fangs into the weak part of Yui's neck. "Please...! Laito-Kun! Please...STOP!" She shouted. He released his fangs and stared down at her with a smile. "Beg more Bitch-Chan~" "W-What?" She looked up slowly with fear in her eyes. This made the sadistic vampire giggle. "Beg.  Beg and I might not bite again for now..." She looked down at the ground. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him. "C'mon. Beg, beg for me. I want to hear you Bitch-Chan" "P-Please...?" She muttered still looking into his emerald green eyes. "Not good enough...Try again." He smiled again. "P-Pretty please...L-Laito-Kun...?" She said softly. A pervy smile grew across his face. "Awe, Bitch-Chan, I'm blushing!" She looked down in embarrassment. "Awwe, what's wrong? You are so cute...That was truly adorable Bitch-Chan! Honestly, you may be the cutest girl I know! You still smell so delicious...I might end up breaking my promise...You Poor Thing..." He said as he leaned back down to her neck. "LAITO!" Someone yelled from down the hall. "For fuck sakes...What?" Laito looked over at the tall black-haired vampire. "We are going to be late because of you...Hurry up!" Reiji yelled. "Yea yea," Laito rolled his eyes.

The six boys and the one girl were packed into the limousine. 'It's quiet as always...' Yui thought to herself. "Bitch-Chan was in a rush," Laito spoke. "I think I know why," Ayato looked down at her. All the boys but Shu looked over at her. "She has these two friends at school. What are their names?" Ayato asked Yui. "Sh-Shizuki Sunama...And Kai Myumani..." Yui spoke softly. "Ah...I heard word around school that two new girls were beating everyone up looking for someone. Must be you Bitch-Chan." Laito smiled. "So why don't you tell us about them?" Kanato asked with creepy eyes. "Uh...Well...They are from my home town...And Kai-Kun and I have gone to church together since we were three...And she is always so nice to me...She treats me like a little sister, but I don't mind...She seems to not like many boys..." Yui spoke quietly. "What about the other one?" Reiji asked. "Oh, Shi-Chan...She is very sweet too...We met in preschool...Shi-Chan also doesn't seem to like males very much..." Yui stared at her feet. "Hmm... Hates guys? This will be fun" Ayato smirked.

They finally reached the school and they all stepped out "C'mon bitch chan!" Laito smirked as Yui walked in the middle of Ayato and Laito. "R-Right..." She walked with her head down. They entered their first class and Ayato sat down with Yui, and Laito didn't show up to class. "Where are your friends Pancake...?" Ayato whispered. "I-I don't know..." Yui looked around the room. The bell rang and they all left the class. Someone ran up behind Yui and covered her eyes. "NO! HELP! SOMEONE!" Yui yelled. "Girl chill! It's Kai!" Kai shouted as she took her hands off her face. "Oh...Sorry..." Yui said turning around. "Come. Shizuki is waiting for you." Kai whispered as she pulled Yui by the wrist. Yui tried to pull away. "What's wrong? You seem so paranoid," Kai questioned. "U-Uh...I'm not sure." Yui whispered still being dragged by Kai. Kai led Yui to the roof where Shizuki stood starring at the nearby buildings. "Shizuki...I got Yui." Kai said in a calm voice. Shizuki turned around and smiled. "Yui!" Shizuki shouted running over and pulling her into an embrace. But this time, Yui hugged back. Yui buried her face in Shizukis Uniform as tears flooded her eyes. "Why are you crying? I've always known you were sensitive but damn Hunny..." Shizuki smiled softly. "We missed you...So much..." Shizuki whispered. "I missed you too..." Yui whispered back. 

OMG BASED OFF OF WHAT HOW I DESCRIBED KAI AND SHIZUKIS LOOKS, CAN SOMEONE DRAW SHIZUKI, KAI AND YUI?! That would be so sweet! If you do message me through Wattpad and send me the pic! I'll post it in the story and tag your account

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