Donnie Darko

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Warnings: Closet Crushes on both ends in this one

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Warnings: Closet Crushes on both ends in this one. A small mention of depression. Happy ending.

Summary: Every October, Corpse and You take a week off from everything, turn off your social media and get together either in your apartment or his and binge Horror movies for the whole of those 7 days. Every year you have different horror movies to watch but there is one that is a repeatedly exclusion and that is Donnie Darko. 

This year it was his turn to host you. You honestly didn't mind, you loved his place even if it was tiny it had so much personality and it comforted you deeply, you felt at home there.

You parked your car in the underground carpark and popped your duffle bag on your shoulder as you locked the vehicle. You were so excited that you practically ran 3 flights of stairs and banged your fist on his front door. You could hear his music stopping and as he slowly approached to open the door. You tried your best to calm your breathing down but completely and utterly failed because, when he opened the door he cracked into a fit of laughter seeing your panting state and your slightly messy hair.

"Y/N, what have I told you about running up the stairs?" He shook his head as you gave him the puppy eyes as a form of an apology but grinned and engulfed you into one of his bear hugs. You hummed as you nuzzled your head into his chest and smiled. You missed him so much, with all the Covid row and other things coming up you haven't managed to see him since January and no matter how many FaceTime calls and messages it doesn't compare to the real thing. Having him in hold you in his arms was heaven, and you savoured every single drop of it.

"I couldn't help it Corpse... I just missed you so much. It was worth risking a fall, trust me." You cheekily grinned at him and gave his cheek a kiss, taking yourself away from his arms and entering his apartment. Dropping the duffle bag inside his bedroom you returned to the living room where Corpse was and popped down on the sofa. You shook your phone towards him.

"I don't know about you but I have honestly craved the Japanese food here whilst I was in my hometown, don't mind me if I do?" You looked at him and he just smiled and said to order something for him as well as he sat down next to you, helping you order.

After a short while, you both made the living room cozy by bringing in his mattress, decorating it with as many pillows and blankets as you managed to find and turning on the mood lighting. The take out was carefully placed in the middle, between the both of you and you each had a bottle of wine, not bothering for glasses at this point as you knew you'd just make a mess. You jumped a lot at horror movies, but that was what made it even more fun. You loved the thrill... and if things got too much for you you could always excuse yourself into the arms of the gorgeous man next to you.

"Right sweetie, what are we starting with this year? There ain't that much choice really so we can have a classics night to begin with. What do you think?" He said as he played around with the remote.

"I honestly wouldn't mind starting with Donnie Darko this year, starting with a bang y'know?" you said quietly whilst looking at him. You knew how much he loved this movie. I mean half of his persona is based on Frank the Bunny guy and you knew him and Donnie dealt with similar problems.

There was a short pause and then he turned to you and tilted his head with a small smile and muttered a what sounded like this is why I love you. You giggled and looked back to the screen, reaching out to grab a piece of mochi, munching on it while Corpse grabbed the DVD for the movie.

You loved how immersed he was with this movie. I mean you really liked the movie as well, really enjoyed how forward this movie was. The fact that Donnie Darko was a character that was really out of the box for his time, and how he dealt with breaking free from the brainwashed society and how he went about it as well. The idea of time travel being one of the key points of the movie gave it a surreal feel, dragging you away from the painful reality of being bullied for your beliefs and deemed depressed for having a different mindset. Donnie died just to save the people he loved, his family and his then girlfriend.

But most importantly you loved how he knew this off by heart, mouthing each word to the scene now playing in front of you.

"If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law. there would be no rule. There would be only you and your memories, the choices you've made-" his hand grabbed yours, interlocking your fingers together but keeping his eyes on the screen. "the people you've touched"

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