step two: meet your partners in crime

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AS soon as the clock hit three-thirty, everyone rushed out of the main school building and into their dorms, finally somewhat free after a long day of school . as for a few others ... they were stuck.

courtney and noah sat at the front desk, whispering to each other, but quickly stopped once they saw the six teens walking into the office.

"what do we have to do?" cody asked.

"uh," noah says nonchalantly, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket. "headmaster said he wants the awards display polished, the floor sweeped, the wall scrubbed, and-"

"no." duncan and heather say at the same time. they turn and look at each other weirdly.

heather clears her throat. "i am not the headmaster's slave. he can either hire some janitors or do it himself."

courtney shrugs at her. "i guess you guys shouldn't have done whatever you did to get put in here."

"we were in the gender neutral bathroom!"

"it was just a pair of leggings!"

"i don't even smoke weed anymore!"

"i only cussed one and a half times!"

"you're the one that gave me detention!"

noah rolls his eyes. "can you guys stop throwing your pity parties and start cleaning? we've got business to take care of."

"sounds sus." duncan says, grabbing some cleaning supplies.

"interesting you'd say that," alejandro replies, "considering the rumors i'd heard about you."

the delinquent's eyes widened. what rumor? he didn't even know alejandro, what could he possibly know?

the green haired boy huffs and moves to the other side of the room.

after a good thirty minutes, everyone's busy cleaning, and the room is almost silent, except for courtney and noah's whispers.

as izzy scrubs the wall, she starts to move her foot. she tried to stand still, but she felt as if she needed to move something. but she'd just told her mother that she'd be fine without taking her medication, and isabelle powers was not one to back down.

she'd almost managed to stand still for a few minutes, but her mind had somehow wandered someone else. she turned away from the wall, accidentally knocking the bucket of water below her down, spilling soapy water onto the floor.

"i've got it," eva mumbles, squatting down on a certain tile on the floor to clean up the mess.

noah notices this and giggles. this quickly annoys heather as she turns around and speaks. "what do you two keep on giggling and whispering about?"

"nothing." the indian boy replies. "hey, eva?"

the raven haired girl looks up. "what?" she almost growls.

"you should stomp on that tile."

"why would i do that?" eva questioned. "it's just a stupid tile. nothing would happen."

"so why wouldn't you step on it?" courtney cuts in. "nothing's gonna happen, right? you shouldn't be afraid of it."

eva sighs in annoyance. "you two piss me off."

she then stomps on the tile below her. it wobbles a little, bit then goes back to normal.

"see? nothing happened. you guys are wasting my ti-AHHH!"

the tile under eva quickly drops, sending her down into an unknown place. the windows that surrounded the office began to cover themselves, and the door locked on it's own.

"d-did that girl just go to hell?!" cody asked, his voice becoming high.

"oh no," heather says, grabbing her stepbrother's wrist and dragging him to the door. she tried to unlock it, but was unsuccessful. "you guys are creepy and we're leaving. i have a party and he has to cover for me!"

"is nobody wondering where she went?" izzy asked, staring down the now open space in the floor.

"go find out." noah says, shrugging.

izzy laughs to herself. "if i don't come back ... i just won't come back. bye!"

the redheaded girl slips herself through the hole and yells, "WEEE!" only to stop as soon as she hit the ground. "uhh ..." her voice echos, "you guys might wanna come down here."

duncan walks over to the open space. "what's down there?" he asks izzy.

the wild girl pops up, handing duncan a small picture. "isn't this you?"

the delinquent stares at the photo. "yeah, it is... move, i'm coming down there."

"okie-doke! there's pictures of all of you guys, by the way."

heather, cody, and alejandro gasp as they make their way to the hole, curious as to what was underneath. they all eventually make their way in, courtney and noah joining right after.

the room underneath was dark. the only things in it were a desk with papers on it, and photos of all of th students who currently attended cepheus academy on the wall.

"what is all of this?" cody asked.

"evidence," noah says, carrying a notebook, "and this notebook is the most important piece of evidence we have."

"what the hell are you guys talking about?" eva asks, crossing her arms.

courtney then sighs and pulls out her phone. "record your names into the mic."

cody raises an eyebrow. "why-"

"now." the latina says firmly.

"cody anderson!" the boy quickly says.

"heather long."

"duncan nelson."

"evangeline carr."

"isabelle powers."

"alejandro burromuerto."

"thank you!" courtney says sweetly as she slips her phone into her back pocket. "go ahead, noah."

the indian flips the notebook open. "this notebook has all of headmaster mclean's confessions in it. read this page."

heather clears her throat. "dear journal, i think i'm finally going to get my revenge! if i can get all of the students into the same room at once, it would be perfect. only the sad and scared looks on their faces would bring me joy. i can't believe it's come to this, but it'll bring me so much joy!"

"wait." alejandro interrupts, "isn't there a pep rally on friday?"

"correct." courtney replies.

"so why would he want all of us in the same room? what would he do?"

"could be anything." noah said while shrugging. "that's what me and courtney tried to figure out. we ended up finding his well hidden criminal record."

he held the printed piece of paper in his hand.
duncan snatches the paper from him, beginning to read it aloud.

"christian mclean has been held guilty for the following crimes: murder, attempted murder, torture, arson, holy shit." he looks up at courtney and noah. "so you two knew about this the entire time?"

"well ... to be fair, we only found out a few days ago when we were working in the office." courtney replies.

"yeah." noah adds on, "that's why me and courtney are gonna kill him."

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