step three: go back

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SIX of the eight teenagers stood in shock in the dark room, completely mind-blown at the words that just left noah's mouth.

"why ... why would you want to kill someone?" cody asks quietly.

"to be fair," alejandro speaks, "he is trying to kill us as well."

heather rolls her eyes. "why can't you guys just call the police or something? and how isn't he in jail already after committing all of those crimes?"

"because he committed them under a different name." courtney responds. "remember that mass murder in europe, when the guy fled the country before he was able to get arrested?"

izzy gasps. "that was him?"

noah nods. "it's all in the notebook."

the redheaded girl smiles. "okay well, i want in."

"you're not serious." eva says, glaring at izzy.

"of course i am! i've always wanted to murder somebody and get away with it. you know ... just for fun."

"ugh!" heather shouts. "you guys are all crazy. i am not going to participate in killing a man who i just found out was evil five minutes ago, and neither is cody." she firmly grabs her stepbrother's wrist. "how do we get out of here?"

"the same way you came," courtney says. "everything goes back to normal when you close the tile back. don't hit your pretty head on the way out."

the thin girl mumbles something to herself as she stands on top of the wooden desk. she pushes the tile above her head, causing it to open. she then climbs out of the dark room and back into the office, cody doing the same behind her.

"i'm curious," duncan says, leaning onto the wall and crossing his arms, "how are you guys gonna kill him?"

"are you gonna snitch?" courtney asks the delinquent.

"do i look like the type to snitch, doll?"

"don't call me that." the brunette says in reply. "anyways, we're gonna behead him."

"you guys are fucking insane." eva says loudly enough for the rest of them to hear. "i'm out. i have wrestling practice. and you two better not tell anyone i was here." she points to noah and courtney, who both just shrug their shoulders.

noah glares at alejandro, who's back has been against the wall the entire time, observing everything. "so what's the deal with you?"

"nothing," the hispanic boy says, "i was actually just about to leave. however, i do have a question for you two."

"and that is?" courtney asks, crossing her arms.

"you two have killed someone before?"

"possibly." the indian and latina answer at the same time.

"and you'd kill someone again after this?"

"you must know someone that needs a job done." noah says, raising his eyebrows. 

"...something like that. but, i'll see you guys around." alejandro then makes his way back up to the office, leaving izzy, duncan, noah, and courtney. the brunette pulls noah further away from the other two.

"we should wait until after the party," courtney whispers, "it'd be better if the rest of them helped us out."

"but she said it needs to be done by midnight!" noah objects.

"relax, they'll be back by then. besides, i need a break from being in here. i haven't been to a party in months."

"are you sure?"

"of course. besides, she's probably doing what she does best right now."

"what are we talking about?" izzy says from behind the two, causing them to jump.

"nothing important." noah mumbles. "i think we're gonna wait until later tonight to do this. you guys still gonna come back?"

"not like they have much of a choice." courtney mumbled to herself, causing noah to elbow her in the arm.

"duh!" izzy said, the biggest grin appearing on her face. "my first murder! i'm so excited."

duncan chuckles at the redhead, getting up to leave. "i'll be back. witnessing a beheading doesn't seem too bad."

the four teens leave the office, with headmaster mclean still nowhere in sight. his office was never cleaned, but it wasn't like that was going to matter in a few hours.


heather sat at her vanity, spraying perfume onto her body, while cody sat on her bed, chipping the pink nail polish off of his fingernails.

"what's got you so quiet?" the asian girl asked her stepbrother, who was tempted to reply with nothing but a sigh.

"that whole 'killing the headmaster' thing. do you think they were serious?"

heather laughs to herself. "probably not. besides, everybody in that room is a social reject. even if they were gonna attempt do it, they'd fail miserably and end up in juvie or something."

"whatever you say." cody shrugs. "shouldn't you be leaving soon?"

from anyone else's point of view, they would think that cody let heather walk all over her. but that wasn't the case at all. when their parents got married, heather was automatically nice to cody. his mother had told the girl that he'd gotten bullied when he was younger, and since heather went through the same thing, she promised to be nothing but nice to him.

it worked out pretty well. now, the two share secrets, and do favors for each other, just like this one. cody didn't mind being in heather's dorm anyway. her roommate was a down to earth goth girl, and he got along pretty well with her.

cody was short, baby faced, and small, which meant that everyone automatically thought that he'd get no girls. since most of his friends were females, everyone assumed he was gay, and technically, they weren't half wrong. so when he was on the girl's side of the dorm, no one thought anything of it.

the plan was for heather (a bunch of pillows) to be "asleep," and cody and his friend would just talk. sounds easy enough, right?

"you're right, cody. i do need to hurry." cody got up and lifted heather's comforter off of her bed to put the pillows in place, only to find something on her white sheets.

"oh, shit!" cody yelled, backing away from the bed.

"what happened? AAAAHH !!"

heather let out a loud shriek as she set her wide eyes on her bed sheets. the words "GO BACK." has been written in big red letters, along with a large knife in the middle.

heather slowly and carefully picked up the knife. she gasped as she saw what was engraved into the handle.

"for heather."

"oh my god. should we call the cops??" heather asked.

"i- i don't know!" cody answered. "maybe we should-"

the brunette is then interrupted by a loud noise. the step siblings look to see another knife slide under the door. cody walks over to it and picks it up. he reads it aloud.

"for cody."

it's finally starting to get interesting 😳. umm this is unedited so if you find mistakes or anything lemme knowww. y'all r gonna get some ship content soon i promiseeee !! anyways byeeeee

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