step four: meet again

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AS tired as she was from practice, eva still somehow managed to find herself at a party. she'd had to get her mind off of the events from earlier. for some reason, they'd just kept coming back to her.

it was even worse when she'd gotten ready to leave her dorm and found a knife sitting outside of her door, the words "for evangeline" engraved on it. the first thing the young girl did was scratch the "ngeline" off of the handle- she refused to go by that name.

of course, she'd been confused-but she kept the knife, hiding it in her pillow case, and then left, not even thinking about it until now.

now, there was loud music blaring and a whole bunch of teenagers singing a song off key. there were colored lights flashing everywhere, and cheers and laughter. it was all pretty decent for an abandoned church.

the raven haired girl looked around. she didn't notice anyone that she knew at first, until she saw two very noticeable hair colors next to each other.

a bright red, and a neon green.

somehow, izzy and duncan, who were obviously drunk, clung onto each other for dear life and continued to laugh in each other's faces.

eva chuckled to herself. they're both idiots, she thought. i wonder if they got knives too.

before eva could even realize it, duncan and izzy were no longer across the room from each other, but were right next to her, the redhead hugging her, while the punk just slung his arm around her.

the girl really didn't mind it either- she'd been expecting this, being at a party and all. she didn't like seeing all of the commotion the people caused, so whenever she could, she'd try to take care of the problem herself. besides, it was freaking monday. eva was not about to deal with hearing about all of the mistakes that everyone made.

"okay, duude," duncan slurred, a red solo cup in his hand, "iz said she thinks you're hot."

eva's eyes widen, and izzy just giggles in response. "i did not! liar!!"

drunk words were sober thoughts, right?

eva just rolled her eyes at the conversation and continued to let the two have their fun, making sure they didn't go anywhere.

courtney, on the other hand, sat cross-legged on the floor, a bottle of beer in her lap. she'd managed to drag noah to the party with her and the two just ended up sitting next to each other and laughing at their own jokes.

when a certain asian girl walked into the room, she'd caught everyone's eyes - especially courtney's.

she looked over at noah. "you think i should go talk to her?"

the short boy chuckles. "hell yeah, you should. besides, i think she'd be scared to reject you anyway."

the brunette let out a loud laugh and began to stand up. "cool. but if i do this, you have to talk to that other boy."

making her way over to heather, she simply puts her hand out for the other girl to shake.

"i don't think we've properly met. i'm courtney castillo."

heather examines the shorter girl's hand before slowly shaking it. "sorry," she says, "just had to make sure there's no blood on your hands."

"ohhh," courtney drags out, "so it's like that?"

before the latina can say anything else, heather grips her hand even tighter and whispers in her ear. "it's exactly like that. and don't think i don't know it was you who sent me and cody those knives, you creep."


"i-i'm sorry, knives?"

"duh. our names were engraved into them and everything. i know it was you and your weird friend over there."

there was so much running through courtney's mind. she'd thought that a normal messenger would send a simple message, such as a note. but an engraved knife? that was something different.

she looked back at heather, and it only took her a few seconds to realize that her hand was still in heather's grip. both of the girls let go, looking in any direction but at each other.

"i ... i may have dragged you all into something."



meanwhile, in another area of the church, duncan had somehow managed to slip away from eva's attention, so he ended up walking outside of the church. he might not have been aware at the time, but he was on the verge of passing out.

he'd leaned against the wall, everything around him spinning. well, at least until alejandro walked outside.

every time duncan saw him, he'd get a weird feeling in his stomach. he liked to call it "special envy." that mixed with the alcohol, it made the boy wanna puke.

once the hispanic boy saw duncan, he immediately let out a chuckle. "you look dead as hell, dude."

"suck a dick."

"i would-"

"you're soooo annoying," the delinquent says. he attempts to punch alejandro, but was stopped by the taller boy grabbing his wrist.

"you should go lay down somewhere, before you hit your head and make yourself dumber than you already are."


"oh my gosh, there you two are!"

courtney yells from a distance, coming closer. heather, eva, izzy and noah follow behind her."did you two get engraved knives today?"

"yeaahh, i got a knife todayy." duncan replies.

"i did too, what's up?" alejandro asks.

"we need to head back to the office, now! those knives are very significant and now you guys are apart of something and we have to leave. what time is it?"

eva pulls out her phone to check the time. "it's eleven fifteen."

"shit!" noah exclaims. "we need to leave, but we've gotta get cody first."

"he's in my dorm." heather interrupts.

"what in the hell is happening?" alejandro asks.

"listen. if we need you guys to get the knives that you got and meet us at the office as soon as possible. we'll explain everything once we're there. promise!"


the next chapter is gonna be rlly long & kind of creepy but this is a horror book so-

anyways bye y'all. once again mention any mistakes that y'all see cuz this is unedited. byeeeee 🤠

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