2 - Thoughtfully Through

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(Female reader, still)

3rd P.O.V

Y/n woke up as her eyes adjusted to the light of the sun she kind of missed yesterday. The sun brought back her memories of last night. And memories of Dabi. 'I wonder if he made it home safe...' she though as she sat up on her bed. The clock was 7:45 AM. Y/n went to her kitchen and opened her fridge.

To her surprise; the fridge was almost empty. That meant only one thing... Grocery shopping. But before that, it would be great to make a shopping list. 'So what do I need..?' Y/n thought as she looked through her kitchen's shelves.

'I'll just figure it out when I get there...'


Y/n walked past the store's automatic gates as she tried to recall what she needed. Definitely some food items. Y/n went to look through the store. As she was looking for something on one of the shelves, someone walked past her.

Somehow, when this happened, Y/n felt like the world slowed down. As soon as the feeling stopped, she turned her head to the person. Seemingly, the person had done the same. This was because Y/n was now staring at a pair of blue eyes.

There was no doubt about it, he was Dabi. Y/n gasped lightly as she recognized the person. She smiled a bit and stepped closer to Dabi. He, Dabi, was wearing a black hoodie.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you here," Y/n thought out loud.

"You either,"

Dabi was now thinking really hard. 'She sees me, right? Why isn't she looking at me like-'

"Dabi?" the said boy snapped out of his thoughts. "S-sorry, what was that?" he felt his cheeks heat up. Maybe he was just embarrassed. But... Why would he even care?

"What's with the hood, anyway?" Y/n playfully rolled her eyes. "Uh, usually people scream when they see me... Either from the scare or joy... You don't seem to mind?" Dabi turned away a little bit.

Y/n giggled. "Oh, what the heck? You look like you! I mean... Some people get affected by their Quirks so they look different... I don't care what you look like," these were probably meaningless words for Y/n but to Dabi? His heart almost popped out of his chest.

"U-uhh, T-thanks... Well I have to go... See you around, Y/n," his voice didn't give away any single sign of his heart going crazy. Y/n smiled. "Any time,"

Dabi closed his eyes and walked away from the scene. 'She's probably brainwashed to think like that...' was his 'trying to deny she thinks he looks OK'.

Y/n smiled to herself and looked back at the shelve. 'I don't even like pickles...'. Right then Y/n heard an awful sound right up from the store's radio. She almost jumped out of her skin. She relaxed as she realized it was just a radio.

"The east side of the city is captured by villains. If you live on the east side, and you're on social areas like, a park, a mall or a store: we suggest you hurry back to your house. If however, you're not able to go back to your house: we suggest you get inside a lockable building immediately. Have a nice day!"

Good thing Y/n doesn't live on the east side. Wait... She does.

Y/n's eyes widened. 'Dabi!' was her first thought. She turned back to where Dabi was just a moment ago. To her surprise, Dabi was right in front her. "You should get out of here..." Dabi mumbled.

Y/n looked around for an emergency exit. She spotted one on the corner. Without further thinking, she took Dabi's hand and got through the exit with him.

They found themselves on an alleyway. "S-sorry, that's the first thing that got in my mind," Y/n apologized with an awkward laugh. Dabi was staring at his hand. Y/n was holding on to his hand so gently.

That moment didn't last long because Y/n put her hands in her pockets. "Very, very sorry! I don't know if you hate the feeling of your hand being touched."

No, no, he didn't hate it. In fact he loved it...

Y/n decided to invite Dabi over to her house. The entire time Dabi kept looking at Y/n. She was simply just gorgeous in his eyes. She didn't judge him, she was so gentle and she was so sweet. Dabi tried to convince himself that she's just brainwashed to think like that. But after that moment he couldn't.

They arrived at the building and Y/n held the door for Dabi. Dabi, a little bit embarrassed, thought it should be the other way around.


"If there's anything you need: just tell me," Y/n smiled. 'Could I hold your hand again, please?'

"No... Thanks," his blue eyes followed Y/n who took out her phone. For just a moment he thought she was going to call the police.

She giggled "Sorry, Dabi, I have to answer this call,". 'No, don't leave -' Y/n's bedroom door was shut. Dabi sighed. Well... He might as well look around.

What was he even doing there? He's a villain. Although... Shikaragi hasn't told him to do anything. So it probably doesn't affect him. God, he hates the whole L.O.V. thing.

Maybe he should stop being a villain and start hanging out with Y/n. 'That does sound nice... '

"Dabi?" the said boy shook his head. "What?". "What are you daydreaming about?" at first he thought he saw Y/n but it was just Toga. "I wasn't... Daydreaming..." Dabi mumbled.

Toga giggled a little and jumped next to Dabi. "I know when someone is thinking of their crush," Dabi glanced away. "I don't have crushes. It's about time you grow up from that dumb 'crush' shit, I'm not five anymore. Just leave me alone, I don't need you in my life," Dabi got up leaving Toga alone. Her smile faded.

She felt upset. Why would he say that? Surely Dabi was cold, but that was a little too cold. Dabi knew he had said that wrongly. He shouldn't be mad at her. At the moment he just wanted to see Y/n again.



Well this was longer than I intended. Notice how I made a time skip without noticing it being there? Also uhhh, don't be confused. It's like 11.31pm here. I'm tired. Have a good day or night.

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