My Wild - Part 9

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The grass was dry and dead beneath our feet and it let up clouds of dust that made us sneeze. We had been wandering through the forest for a long while before we came across a pair of mountain goats. We tracked them until we reached a cliff. Being mountain goats they scaled it easily. We tried to jump onto the rocks that jutted out of the cliff face but after a long while we gave up and returned exhausted to our den. Ezra and Adali slumped down on the dry grass together and fell fast asleep whilst me and Naledi curled up next to a large fern tree. We were woken abruptly by Mazati howling. We jumped up in surprise and trotted over to her. She explained hastily that Callisto was missing again. The key word here being' again'. Callisto had gone missing one too many times, and he was only 6 weeks old. We had perfected our search method for him over the past 7 or 8 times that he had escaped. It basically consisted of calling up every tree, looking down every hole, things like that. After about 15 minutes we found him hiding down a hole claiming he had been hunting rabbits. I pulled him out and returned him to his worried mother. It was one of those days that Callisto decided he was going to be brave and venture outside, usually getting himself stuck up a tree or down a hole. 

The pups were definitely becoming more of a handful. About a week after Callisto's little adventure, me and Adri were out on a leisurely walk when I heard a twig snap. We both went into high alert but continued walking. Then out of the bushes a fluffy ball of super energy bounded out barking excitedly. 'Aztec, Aztec' it barked. Once it stopped jumping around I realised it was Callisto. I rolled my eyes and started to head back the way we came when another little fluffy ball rolled out from under a nearby bush and sat in front of Adri. Diego had also apparently followed us. He looked so proud of himself that me and Adri couldn't be angry with him. Adri and I picked them both up by their scruffs and carried them the rest of the way home. We hadn't been out long but for their little puppy legs it had been a long walk. They both slumped down and slept on top of each other for the rest of the day. Eventually the others all went and snuggled down and slept with them. It was probably the first time that we had had a quiet moment since the puppies had turned 3 weeks old. We took advantage of it and got out the bones we had been saving and chewed on them for at least a couple hours. When the puppies finally woke up they were hungry. We gave them the leftovers and they gobbled them down eagerly before going rolling around on the grass.

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