For Family

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There was no further delay after Sindile was on the same page as everyone else. It was not a matter of choice but priority, Kayise was going to show soon and lives were at stake. Manzi being the only matured man in the family spent the previous night performing a farewell ritual for Sindile's departure.

He prayed to the great old ones to grant Sindile safe passage into marriage. He prayed that his sister finds happiness in marriage, he asked the forefathers of the family to protect and give her guidance and wisdom to deal with conflict in the new environment and family. Turns out, the barrels of traditional brew stored in the great hut was used in the ritual to communicate with the ancestors.

Everything was happening too fast. Sindile was leaving and the only person she ever met from the family she was going to be a part of was the grey old man even though their first meeting did not end well. She left the old man sitting alone next to the kraal and went running to her house only to faint. When she woke up the following morning Pita Mamba was long gone.

Sindile couldn't believe the turn her life was taking, she fought the urge to cry as she thought about how sudden things have changed as she marched on the narrow trail.

It was such a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and there were a few clouds that would sometimes provide shade as they walked on the narrow track. Dumile her best friend was among the few people who took it upon themselves to see Sindile off on her journey.

Mongi and Manzi came along too. Her brothers were carrying her luggage while her friend was trying to cheer her up as they walked at the back of the line, Dumile being the last in line.

"At least you are going to marry a very handsome man my friend, you will have really beautiful children" Dumile squealed catching Sindile's attention.

"Now you have started with your lies Dumi, you don't even know him?" she rolled her eyes and turned to face her. They were nearing the great Nkomazi river, the sound of water flowing was heard in the distance.

"I have met him" she blurted out. Sindile was surprised and excited at the same time. She wanted to know everything Dumile knew about the man.

"So what's his name" she asked.

"Well I didn't meet him meet him, I mean I saw him at a wedding I went to two years ago. He was with that old man I saw at your home the other day" she said as she played with a blade of grass.

"So how do you know it's him am going to marry though, doesn't the old man have other sons" she asked, disappointed.

"He does have other sons, they are very young though. Actually you do know the boys. They go to our school"

"This is going to be embarrassing" Sindile's shoulders dropped as she thought about her in-laws. "What if they have seen me suck my thumb at school, good lord they will tell everyone and the people there will think am strange" she began to panic. They made it to the river and it was huge, it was more than a hundred meters wide and there was no other means of crossing besides walking through.

"Come on, you know the twins, I don't even think they know you. You will be fine" Sindile smiled a little. Of course she knew the twins. They were the only twins at their school.

"You don't say, the naughty pair. I love those children. I didn't know they live over the mountain"

"They are going to be your family now my dear, brace yourself" they both laughed. Sindile's joy was short-lived as she remembered she was supposed to cross the river. She was terrified of the massive amount of water.

She have heard about a lot of accidents that happened in this river. People and animals have drowned because of the amount and pressure of the water when it have rained recently in the other places where the river passes through.

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