Chapter 17

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Hope's POV:

What?! No this can't be happening!!! It's just another's just the dark side trying to turn you again. As if on cue the walls of the hallway spread out rapidly booming into a large imperial room. I close my eyes once again to try and pull myself back to reality. But when I open them I see him standing there. It was the same stormtrooper who killed my mother. I don't know how I know, but a feeling tells me it's him. The feeling grows inside of me, as my fear turns to hatred. My sweet, kind, loving mother was murdered by the man standing before me. He raises a gun at me ready to pull the trigger at any moment.

I look to the right and find my lightsaber. "It's your turn to run for your life." I say with a cold and psychotic voice, while gracefully levitating my lightsaber so the cold metal meets my palm and flipping the switch igniting a blue laser.

"Oh so now the little girl is all grown up. Well I'll blast a hole through her chest just like I did to that scum bag of a mother!" He spat with anger and insanity.

Cal's POV:

This pain is familiar. It's the same thing I felt when the bounty hunter trapped me in his net on Zefo. Oh no, no, n... Darkness took me right before my head hit the ground, not even allowing me to finish my thought. I awake in a familiar cold and dizzy state. Only this time BD awoke me. "BD how did you end up here?"

"I followed you and Hope outside. I was sitting right next to you but I guess you guys were too busy to notice me." A fuzzy warm feeling spreads throughout me when remembering what had just happened.

"We have to find her and quick. She doesn't know where she is. Just like we didn't know where we were last time... Why didn't they separate us this time?"

"Beats me." BD replies. My eyes skimmed across the room. It's different this time. There's a hallway just ahead, no wires or anything. No cage.

"I have a bad feeling about his BD." I say in a serious tone. I proceed to walk forward down the hallway. Every step I take, my finger ready to ignite my lightsaber at any sign of movement. Last time they didn't let me have my light saber until the fight. Something's off, they let BD stay with me too.

My feet start to rise as I listen to gears turning I look up to find a hole in which I am slowly emerging from. I look around to find a familiar scene of the same battle arena that I had been captured and forced to fight and kill. But this time there was a girl standing across from me. Hope. She stares at me with hatred. What happened to her? A familiar voice and hologram appeared in front of me. Sorc Tormo. "I hate to break it to ya lover boy. But thanks to our advanced technology your little girl friend can't see you." Girl friend! I can feel my face getting warmer as the words spill out of his mouth.

"What'd you do to her?" I say with confidence and anger.

"Aww, look lover boy's worried. Well let's say that all she sees is the man who killed her mother, when she was too useless to stop him. We saw how broken she was and I simply just cut the chains that held her back from letting all the despair and hatred out.", he says with an sickening chuckle. She thinks that I am the man who killed her mother.

"Yeah, well why didn't you make me think she was someone else too?" I spat at the loonatic with a small laugh that makes him look stupid.

"I thought that this would hurt more for both of you. I finally got you after what you did to my jail thirteen years ago. You know you and your little wanna be hero's damaged my reputation. And for that I will make sure that every last moment of your short life is miserable. Oh ya, and I made sure that Greez's rust bucket won't be busting you out this time." He laughs and continues, "Let the lovers battle begin!" The word lovers made my heart skip a beat, but battle brought me a sense of reality.

My gaze focusses on Hope now who mumbles, "It's your turn to run for your life."

"Hope, I'm not who you think I am."

"My mother was no scum bag," she says under her breath and then yells, "You are!" She charges towards me anger evident in her eyes. Jedi aren't supposed to kill out of hatred and rage. It's like she's forgotten everything.

"Well no surprise talking didn't work. Guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way." Even if she can't hear or see me I have to try. She charges towards me with her lightsaber in hand, and tries to slash at me. But I block her and jump over her head dodging her attempt at force pulling me towards her, while kicking her back making her fall to the ground. I need to find a way to reach her.

She gets up more pissed than ever, and force pushes me across the stadium and into the cold metal walls. With a loud BOOM as my back slams against the walls, the crowd of gamblers go wild. Pain shoots throughout my body. Defiantly feeling that in the morning. I shake my head and slowly get on my feet when I sense her charging towards me, and block her lightsaber with my blue one. We are so close that our noses are almost touching.

"You know if you weren't snarling at me, I might just be tempted to kiss you..."

A/N: I'm back, hope you guys like this chapter! Let me know if you think I should write more chapters from Cal's point of view. Also, should I keep up his smug attitude? Next chapter will be from Hope's point of view again. Thanks for reading!

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