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Before we begin:

NOW, let's begin!

"Excuse me, Skylor." Wu called, handing her a file, "I can't find Kai anywhere, and you're the only one who can decipher his handwriting. He arrested that bunny-" He pointed to a costumed perp in the holding cell, "-but I dunno what for. He's either a crispy mother werewolf or cowboy mustard, Oslo, Norway."

Yeah...that doesn't sound right. Sighing, the redhead shifts over and stands beside Wu, peering over his shoulder at the scruffy handwriting scrawled on the dotted lines, "The bunny groped multiple women on the subway." She closed the file and handed it back to Wu, "Being able to read Kai's writing is a gift. A useless, useless gift." Wu looked across the corridor to see a man dressed in grey, wandering through his room, back turned. 

"Excuse me one second...Nice costume, Kai!"

From inside the room, Kai rolled his eyes, "Damn it!" he muttered under his breath, before calling back, "No Kai here! Just a normal janitor pushing trash around!"

"Come out of there."

He groaned and plastered on a smile as he headed outside, "Sensei, hey."

"You really thought this was gonna work?"

" did work. This whole janitor gambit was designed to fail! It's just like in chess. Sometimes in order to win, you have to sacrifice your king."

"That's exactly how you lose in chess." Wu stated flatly, his face unreadable, "Have you ever played the game?"

"Uh...sorta." He shuddered, recalling over the memories of playing with his sister, and how she would throw the board out into the nearby river out of anger.

"I expected better of you. You could have at least created a diversion to distract me from your terrible costume."

Kai tilted his head, "Uh, I'm not a dumb butt. I had a diversion planned. There was just a slight timing issue-"

The nearby bin erupted into flames. Wu's gaze averted from the fire ninja over to the bin, as Kai fake-panicked, "Oh my gosh! Get down everyone! There's a big fire! Sensei, you'd better head over there for, like, fifteen minutes and see what's going on with that. Beware of the back draft. I'll be in your room!"

He turned to move, but was rooted to the spot, as he admitted, "You have beautiful eyes." 

Wu didn't retaliate. Kai groaned, "Fine. Have it your way. But you're gonna need this." Handing him the broom, he peeled off the fake moustache he had sported, sticking it onto the Sensei's face, before heading off.

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