Chapter 2

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"Julia, I look ridiculous! I look like I belong on a street corner!"

Julia laughed loudly and spun me one more time in front of her full length mirror. "You look gorgeous Ella. I've never seen you look this good."

"Gee, thanks best friend of mine."

I stared at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe the transformation, I really didn't look like myself. My dress seemed too tight and too short, not like something I would ever wear, but especially to dinner with an old teacher. I had no idea what Eric would think of it.

"Will you stop over analyzing and just appreciate my work? You look stunning Ella. You know I wouldn't just say that."

This statement was true. Julia has no qualms with complete and utter honesty, even if it was at the expense of someone else's feelings. But tonight I was grateful for her candor, I knew she wouldn't allow me to leave the house looking less than perfect.

Julia and I both jumped when we heard a knocking at our front door. I looked down at my phone, it was only 7:45, Eric was way too early and I wasn't emotionally ready to face him yet.

"You stay here and calm yourself, I'll get the door. Punctuality is a good thing Ella."

I rolled my eyes as Julia left her bedroom to answer our door.

"Carrie, hey! What a nice surprise."

My mom was at the door? What was she doing here? She picked the worst time to unexpectedly show up, I couldn't let her see who I was going out with, I knew she wouldn't be as understanding as Julia about this situation.

"Hey mom, what—."

"Oh wow, Ella honey, you look beautiful. You must be off somewhere special."


I wanted to slap my forehead. It wasn't like me to lie, I don't know why I did.

"Lucas? Is he in town?"

"Yep. Came to town for one night. Back to New York tomorrow."

"How wonderful, well I won't keep you. I was supposed to have dinner with a friend downtown but she had to cancel at the last minute so I thought I'd see what you girls were up to tonight. I should've known you'd have plans."

"Well you're welcome to hang around here Carrie, I'll be in all night, more resumes to send out. Who knew trying to find a job in publishing would be this difficult?"

"Sure, that'd be nice, as long as Ella doesn't mind? I don't want to impose."

"Mom, of course it's fine, please stay. I won't be out too late."

"Thanks girls, sounds fun!"

"Julia can you help me for a sec, I think my necklace is tangled up in my hair. Make yourself comfortable Mom."

Julia held back her laughter as she followed me to my bedroom. I closed the door behind us as my mom turned on our TV.

"I have to cancel."

"I knew you were going to say that. Why Ella? How would you explain that to your mother? After all, you're going out with Lucas. Lucas who you haven't seen in months and is only in town for one night."

"I know, I know. That was stupid of me, but it just came out. I wasn't thinking straight, I'm still not thinking straight. He's supposed to pick me up here, any minute."

"Ella, relax, do a shot or something. Just text him that you'll meet him downstairs so he doesn't come to the door. Problem solved."

"He'd probably be relieved not to have to go."

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