Chapter 5

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I stood like a statue across the street from The Window. I stared up to the top floor that housed the restaurant. I couldn't believe I had actually come. I hoped Charlie couldn't see me from wherever he was. I probably looked insane staring up at the building like I was. I couldn't believe I had actually decided to take a sick day from work today to be able to come here. But the rest of my Sunday had been unbearable and I was craving a distraction. But I very well could have been craving the amazing food Charlie was planning on cooking for me.

I stared down at my phone again, I still hadn't received any messages from Eric. His family had definitely come home from their weekend away by now and I was sure he had returned to his normal life as if nothing happened between us. I was ready to throw my phone against a brick wall because I hadn't heard from him even once, I groaned to myself, this was completely ridiculous behavior and I only had my naive stupidity to blame.

I pulled my green trench coat tighter around me. I stared up at the sky now, the clouds were their usual gloomy selves and I knew it could start raining at any moment. If I didn't go inside now then I would lose all the courage I had mustered while standing on the street and would probably have to walk the six blocks back to where my car was parked in soaking wet clothes. I waited for the light traffic to clear and trotted across the street. The loud clicking of my boots made me question if I was overdressed. I stared at myself in the tinted glass door of the building before entering. I had chosen to wear black fitted jeans, my black leather boots and a dark purple sweater that made my "tits look perfect" according to Julia, who had helped me choose my outfit last night. I quickly ran my fingers through my dark curls, knowing if I stayed outside where the wind had started to pick up than my hair would transform into a bird's nest; rather than the smooth curls I had forced them to be this morning when I got ready.

I took a steadying breath before opening the door and heading for the elevator. The lobby was surprisingly bustling, I hadn't even noticed anyone entering or exiting before. I knew the rest of the floors were occupied by lawyers, corporations and whatever miscellaneous white collar workers. I was thankful when nobody entered the elevator behind me so I would be able to calm my nerves in peace.

The elevator seemed to ascend at a glacial pace. My hands were trembling roughly which I knew was absurd because Charlie and I hadn't even classified my coming here as a date. But surely he had some sort of intentions of dating or he wouldn't have given me his phone number. I figured someone in their thirties wasn't going to play the usual dating games that a man closer to my age would.

I wanted to slam my head against the gold walls of the elevator as Eric's face unwelcomingly entered my mind. His stupid boyish grin made my cheeks flush. My palms began to sweat as I imagined him holding them. My skin tingled as I imagined his lips against mine. It certainly didn't help that I had just ridden this elevator with him a mere two days ago. So many emotions had happened since then so it seemed like it had been much longer. I was a complete mess as the elevator doors opened to reveal a completely empty restaurant. It looked even bigger than it had on Saturday without any guests. I could hear loud classical music echoing through the empty dining room. The rest of the room was fairly dark, there were shades drawn on all the windows, the only light was coming from the kitchen. I knew that's where Charlie would be.

I walked towards the kitchen and peeked through the small window on the kitchen door. Charlie was alone and completely enthralled by boisterous music I didn't recognize. He stood in the middle of his expansive kitchen and was conducting the orchestra with a wooden spoon. It was very endearing. Rather than knock I decided I would let myself into the kitchen to watch Charlie closer. I quietly pushed open the door knowing it didn't matter since the music was so loud. I could have dropped his expensive pots and pans on the floor and it wouldn't have made a sound in comparison to his music. I slowly crept up behind him, he was waving his arms wildly in perfect time with the music. I reached my hands out and grabbed him by the waist. A loud wail erupted from his mouth as he jumped about ten feet into the air, I had scared him badly. I burst into laughter at his terrified expression and he laughed along with me once he realized it was me. I nearly fell backwards as he enveloped me in a tight hug. As he pulled away he clicked the music off with a remote that was beside him on the counter. It was almost eerily quiet now.

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