Chapter 16

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I sat outside Eric's house on the driveway and stared at it. Eric's Camaro was parked beside me and was underneath a car cover. The garage of this home had been converted into a bonus room so he wasn't able to park there. The lights were on inside the house, the simple curtains we had bought were closed so I could only see shadows moving inside, I was dreading leaving my car and facing those children again. I felt like such a fool for not wanting to go inside my own house but I couldn't get rid of the knot in my stomach at the thought of going inside.

I jumped when I saw the front door of the house open. Eric appeared at the doorway and I could tell by his expression that he was wondering what I was doing. I plastered a smile onto my face and exited the car. He was beaming as I approached him and that made the knot in my stomach disappear immediately. I felt at ease being near him again. He closed the front door and held my arms tightly. He kissed me firmly on the lips and my heart began to race, he smiled against my mouth and I knew then he was happy to see me too.

"How long have you been out here?"

"Just a few minutes, a little nervous about seeing Molly again after this morning."

"Well don't be, she's been in her room since we got home. She won't say a word to me."

Eric's face fell and I knew he was upset about their current dynamic. I didn't know how his relationship with his children was before but I knew everything must be different now. I hoped things would improve at some point, I hoped they would come to like me and like their father and I together. I hoped they would see how happy we were.

"Ella, everything will be alright, I promise."

"I'll try to believe you."

Eric kissed me one more time and wrapped his arm around my shoulder so we could walk inside the house together. My stomach rumbled as I smelled the dinner Eric was preparing.

"You suggested making their favorite dinner so I am, mac and cheese with hot dogs inside."

I chuckled and smiled as Jack grinned, I would do anything to see that little boy happy, he was so sweet.

"I loved that too when I was a kid."

Jack smiled at me and returned his attention to his tablet. I set my purse and computer bag down on the couch and walked into the kitchen, Eric followed. He watched me quietly as I poured myself a glass of wine.
I had no idea what he was thinking and that made me nervous.

"Listen Ella, I have a huge favor to ask."

"A favor?"

That knot in my stomach that I had just gotten rid of sank back into my stomach as I contemplated what Eric could possibly need from me.

"I have an early faculty meeting tomorrow, they're normally on Fridays but this month's meeting was pushed to tomorrow."

"Oh god, so you need me to take them to school or something?"

"Well, not exactly. Olivia flies in late tonight, too late to pick them up, but she planned on picking them up before school and taking them herself, I agreed to it at the time forgetting that the meeting was pushed up. So—."

"So you need me to be here when she picks them up?"

"I know it's a lot to ask, and I'd bail on the meeting if I could, but I haven't been that reliable in the last few months, so I need to be at this meeting. Do you think you could do that El?"

"Eric, no. You can't possibly be asking me to do that. I can't face her, can you imagine what she might say to me? There's no way, can't you call a babysitter or something? Aren't they old enough to be alone for awhile until she gets here?"

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