Chapter 11

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My heart was pounding as I rode the elevator to Charlie's apartment. I had woken up this morning thinking that our relationship was really going well. We got along so perfectly that I often wondered if it was too good to be true, but it hadn't been. Charlie was an amazing man. His only true fault: he wasn't Eric. I knew this breakup would hurt him, especially because I knew it was unexpected. But it wasn't fair to Charlie for me to be in this relationship at all when I had always been holding out hope for Eric. I jumped as the elevator doors opened. I walked sluggishly towards Charlie's apartment. I would miss this place. It had felt like home to me since the very first time Charlie brought me here. I would be sad to part with it and the man who resided here.

The door was cracked open as it always was, since Charlie had to buzz me in. His apartment building was one of the nicest in Portland. I could hear his classical music playing but it was at a lower volume which made me assume he wasn't cooking. It was usually at a blaring level while he cooked. I plastered a smile onto my face when Charlie saw me through his open door. He chuckled and opened it wide for me.

"What are you doing?" Charlie teased.

I laughed and walked through the entryway, hoping that was enough of a response. Charlie kissed my cheek and pulled my coat off my shoulders, he was always such a gentleman. The wide grin on Charlie's face was immaculate as he pulled me over to his couch. I blushed as I instantly recalled what had transpired between us on this couch only yesterday. Charlie was bouncing in his seat as he held my hands, as if he was having real trouble staying still.

"What's going on Charlie?"

"Well as you know I've been meeting with loads of investors lately that are interested in expanding my restaurant,"

I nodded for Charlie to continue and tried to keep my smile but my heart was really sinking. He seemed to be on the verge of telling me really great news, I couldn't end our relationship now. I would feel despicable.

"Well, we've finalized the deal Ella. They want to expand to New York. I need to fly out tonight to look at potential locations." Charlie squealed excitedly.

I reflexively wrapped my arms around Charlie, he laughed uncontrollably as I held him. I could tell he was overjoyed about this. Charlie pulled away and held my face between his hands, he was beaming. His infectious smile made me grin with him.

"I want you to come with me Ella."

"To New York?" I squeaked.

"Yes! We'll take the red eye tonight, be in New York until Wednesday and fly back Wednesday night, just in time for Thanksgiving."

"Wow Charlie, I don't know. I don't think I can miss any work so close to the holidays."

"Bring it with you El. I'll be occupied all of tomorrow but Jim, the lead investor, has assured me that the locations they found are amazing and I should be able to decide by tomorrow. It's really happening Ella and I want you right beside me when the papers are signed."

Charlie kissed me enthusiastically, he held me so close to his body. Regardless of our wavering relationship status, I was so happy for him. Charlie had worked very hard to reach this point and I was overjoyed for him. But I didn't think it was fair to him to make the trek to New York when I had been planning to end our relationship today. What would I say to Eric?

"Please Ella? Be spontaneous with me. I am ecstatic about this and want to share it with my girl."

Unexpected tears welled in my eyes as I stared into Charlie's. I was staring at a man that was clearly in love. I should have felt expediently blessed to be so adored by such a successful, caring, hilarious and all around amazing man. Yet the second Eric showed me those divorce papers my heart immediately sided with him. I felt insane. Charlie was the clear choice. This man loved me and had shown me nothing else since we started dating. Charlie deserved a fair chance.

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