Chapter 6

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My breathing was ragged as I leaned against Eric for support. He was rubbing my back. Our nearly naked bodies were sticking together from the rain. I leaned up from his shoulder and he sloppily kissed my lips.

"I missed you." He whispered against the corner of my mouth.

I nodded, unable to say anything else. I knew whatever words I said would only make everything more complicated. That's how it seemed to always work out. I leaned back against his front bench seat and appraised him. He was his usual perfect self. His eyes were less crazed now, he looked sated. He was kissing my arms and holding my legs, he was struggling to keep his hands to himself and I didn't want him to.

"How are you here right now?"

"No school today."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

I wanted to ask if his family was still out of town, but I kept silent. But if they were gone then that would mean that he purposefully ignored me the last day and a half.

"So I'm assuming Charlie's in love?"

I nearly fainted when Eric casually mentioned Charlie, he did know I had been with Charlie.

"You know, I don't really want to talk about Charlie while I'm here with you."

"Poor guy. He seemed to really like you. He'll get over it."

Eric smirked as he leaned in to kiss me again, I pulled back. I slid off his lap and pulled on my wet clothes. I pushed my way out of the car and back onto the street.

"Don't feel bad Ella."

I turned to face Eric, I felt like punching him again and not because I thought he was a stranger trying to accost me. Eric stepped back a bit sensing my fury.

"Why the fuck are you here? What kind of sick game are you playing? I haven't heard a single word from you since you dropped me off and now you show up here looking insanely jealous and fucking me senseless? What are you trying to achieve? That you can completely fuck up someone's life in a single weekend? Well done Eric, you succeeded."

"I really fucked you senseless?" Eric asked smugly.

I slapped him hard across the face. I couldn't believe I had done it, my hand stung. Eric's hand trembled as he touched his reddening cheek. We were both surprised.

"Damn you Eric." I sneered.

I stormed off to the end of the alley not daring to look back at Eric. I couldn't believe how callous he was behaving. He treated Charlie as if he was nothing. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised considering how easily he betrayed his own wife and family. But I was done, I couldn't stand him. I couldn't stand myself either. Charlie was such a sweet man and I betrayed him too. I never should have agreed to see him after being with Eric. I hated the person I had already become.

I was completely soaked when I finally made it to my car. I threw myself in and turned the ignition but it wouldn't start. I turned it again and nothing. I groaned loudly. My car was nearly ten years old and constantly giving me problems but now was the worst possible time. I wanted to get far away from Eric and that damn alley. I didn't want him to catch up with me, if he would even care to go after me. I nearly yelped when my car started and I turned onto the road. I could hardly see through the rain. Part of me hoped I would ram my car into a truck. I couldn't take all this stress. Why did I let this happen? I hated myself for this. I had betrayed Eric's family and Charlie just as much as he did, yet I kept placing all the blame on him. I needed to cut off all contact with him for good and I had to tell Charlie the truth. He didn't deserve to have someone be so dishonest to him.

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