Chapter 8

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"Ella honey, you look absolutely beautiful. I'm so glad you invited me over to see you off tonight."

"You can thank me for that Carrie." Julia said arrogantly.

I rolled my eyes at Julia and stared at myself in my mirror again. I didn't think I was capable of looking so elegant. I was wearing a red, floor length, silk dress. Another loaner from Julia because I simply didn't have anything that was appropriate for a formal event like this. Half of my hair was pinned back with one of Julia's Swarovski crystal hair pins while the other half was draped around my shoulders in big curls. I stood in tall black, platform pumps that were not suited for standing long. But I did look good, better than I ever have. And I had to look good for tonight.

Tonight was The Window's tenth anniversary party and Charlie had invited me to be his date. I wanted to look spectacular for him because I knew all eyes would be on us the entire night. I looked away from my reflection because I couldn't stand the sight of myself as I thought about why else I wanted to look so good. Or more of who I really wanted to look good for. And that was Eric. We hadn't spoken since I ended our affair two weeks ago and I didn't want to speak again. Even though part of me hated that we'd be forced together tonight and I'd most likely have to face his wife Olivia, I desperately wanted to see him. The agony of missing him was really starting to tear me apart.


I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized either my mom or Julia had been speaking to me, I wasn't sure which one.

"Your car is here." Julia squealed. "Are you sure it's completely out of the question for me to crash?"

"Absolutely Julia." I said as I glared at her.

Julia frowned. I knew she wanted to come to see what eligible men would be there but she also was a sadist who wanted to see Eric, Charlie and I together in the same room and I would not be able to stand up straight if she were there watching me.

"When do I get to meet this master chef El?" My mom questioned.

"Can I just see how tonight goes first?" I pleaded.

My mother frowned like Julia had. I knew she was eager to meet Charlie but I was not ready for that yet. I didn't want to expose him to my family or friends until I was absolutely sure I wanted to be with him, and without Eric. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't let go of my strong feelings for Eric overnight, or even in two weeks.

My mother and Julia linked arms with me and walked me to the car. Charlie's driver was standing beside the passenger door of a SUV, holding it open for me.

"Even the chauffeur is hot." Julia squeaked into my ear.
I rolled my eyes at Julia's ridiculousness and stepped away from the two of them.

I smiled at the driver, who did happen to be very good looking, and he held out his hand to greet me.

"Miss James, I'm Travis Jackson. Mr. Garnett's driver and head security."

"Security?" I said sounding completely surprised, I didn't know what Charlie could have needed security for.

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh." Was all I could manage.

"Alright, well I'll see you guys later. Don't wait up I guess."

"Okay honey, have fun, call me tomorrow and tell me how it went."

"Yeah, lighten up and go get drunk."

"Wow, thanks Jules."

They each kissed me on the cheek, careful not to ruffle my hair or wrinkle my dress and I got into the car. I tried to relax against the sleek leather but I couldn't. I was suddenly feeling overwhelmed. This night seemed much more serious than I thought it would be. It clearly wasn't going to be an average party. I felt like I needed to read "Formal Events for Dummies" because I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My nerves began to bubble over as we got closer to Charlie's restaurant. I could see couples flocking towards the building, dressed in their best. Who were all these people? Charlie seemed to be somewhat of a hermit, hardly ever leaving his restaurant; where did he find the time to meet all these people? Travis pulled right up to the front of the building.

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