Chapter 4

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Eric's arms were wrapped tightly around my body when I woke up the next morning; I was unsure of the time. Eric's head was resting on my shoulder. His breath felt warm against my skin.

Despite the earlier emotions between us, I felt surprisingly comfortable in Eric's arms; like I belonged there. Even though in the back of my mind I knew that couldn't be true and this couldn't be long lasting. He was married, he already had someone that belonged with him. They had exchanged vows, they promised to stay together forever. I assumed their vows didn't mean anything at this point, maybe they never did. I had no idea where I fit into Eric's life now, I only knew I fit perfectly into his arms.

I touched Eric's toned forearm that was loosely draped over my stomach. I smiled, he had soft arm hair. I stopped touching him as he began to stir. He slowly lifted his head up and trailed kisses up my arm, stopping at the side of my head.

"Morning." He whispered against my hair. "Sleep well?"

"Mmmhmmm." I hummed. It was actually the best I had ever slept.

Eric laid on his back and pulled my body against his chest. He kissed my hair again and I couldn't help but smile. I was beaming as I looked up at him, he kissed me on the nose and I giggled.

"Hmm, that's probably the most glorious sound I have ever heard."

My cheeks reddened as I contemplated Eric's words.

"Really? Thanks. If you really make me laugh then I might even snort a bit."

"Oh really? Then I may not be able to stand by my original statement. Are you hungry?"

"Starved. But I should probably get going."

"What? I don't think so. It couldn't possibly be that late."

Eric rolled on top of me, I started giggling uncontrollably. He reached for the clock that was on the bedside table beside me and held it in front of my face.

"See Ella? It's hardly eight. You can certainly have breakfast with me."

"Okay man-child, you win."

"Man-child? You think you're hilarious don't you?"

I nodded and Eric smirked. He touched my waist with his fingers and slowly started to tickle me. I grabbed his hand but of course he was much stronger than I was. I burst into a fit of giggles, followed by uncontrollable snorting. Eric suddenly stopped and pinned my hands above my head. The air between us had changed rapidly and I didn't feel like giggling anymore. Eric's eyes darkened and he pressed his lips against mine. There was absolutely no more giggling after that.

I was standing alone in Eric's bathroom, I was washing the residue of last night's make up off my face. I stared into my own reflection as I dried the water off my cheeks. The complete high I had been feeling from the night I spent with Eric came to a complete halt as I stared at my face. How could this be right? I was feeling utter bliss, but how could that be okay? I was standing in the bathroom where his wife had stood just days before. I was wrapped in Eric's flannel robe that I was sure she had worn before too. And then there was Eric himself. His wife had left their home thinking Eric was happy, that their marriage was strong and he was faithful above all; at least two out of the three weren't true anymore. A sporadic knock at the door broke me out of my thoughts.

"Are you alright Ella?"

"Fine." I said to Eric, hoping I didn't sound forced.

I dried the remaining water off my face and took a deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom. Eric was sitting on the edge of his bed holding up a light blue button up shirt.

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