Chapter 2

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The three guys gave each other glances processing what Luke just told them. First alex pulled Luke into a hug, Reggie joining them then Bobby followed doing the same thing. This went on for a minute or two when Bobby and Reggie let go but Alex stayed a few seconds longer until finally releasing from the hug. Luke looked around at everyone and softly smiled "thanks I appreciate it."

"Now How about we stop with the sentimental stuff and keep rehearsing" Reggie spoke out making the others laugh and agree as they continued their rehearsal.

While practicing their songs Alex thoughts flooded in his head distracting him from playing. The only thing he could think about is the feelings he got being with Luke last night but the kind of feelings that makes your stomach twist and the nervousness that happens talking to him. All this was pretty much new to Alex but he didn't mind these feelings that were forming.

"Alex dude." Luke voice interrupted Alex's thoughts making him jump and his eyes meet Luke's "sorry didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?"

Alex sat up taking a breath before speaking. "Yea- yea I'm okay." He sighed then hopped out of his seat. "I'm going for a walk." Without hearing a response from the his bandmates Alex rushed out not noticing  that Luke had followed him out until he gripped on to Alex's arm. "Hey- what's wrong?" Alex turned around looking at his arm seeing Luke still holding onto him feeling his face get warm as his eyes met Luke's. "I'm not feeling great right now luke I'll just walk home my parents are probably wondering where I am anyways." Alex pulled his arm away from Luke storming off. Luke watched his friend leave rubbing the back of his neck and going back into the garage.

"Where's Alex?" Reggie put his guitar back on the stand. "If he's not here I'm guessing it's time to call it a day." Luke nodded agreeing packing up his things then leaving not saying goodbye to the others. he didn't understand what was going on with Alex but he clearly needs some space. Luke went home and walked right into his room jumping on to his bed landing on his stomach and shoving his face into his pillow replaying what happened before alex left and wondering what made him so upset. Luke flipped over laying on his back his hands behind his head staring at his ceiling Luke's eyes slowly became heavy and he struggled to stay awake eventually falling asleep.

The morning came alex already awake and on his way to Luke's to apologize for taking off last night. He reached the door and knocked then sticking his hands into his pockets waiting a few seconds for an answer. When the door opened he saw Luke's mom standing there softly smiling at him. "Alex? Isn't it a little early."

"I just thought I'd stop by- If that's okay." Alex scratched the top of his head debating if this was a good idea or not.

"Yea of course you're always welcome." She moved out the way to let Alex into the house. "Luke just upstairs in his room."

The drummer nodded and headed into Luke's room but jumped and shouted a little seeing luke changing. "Luke- I uh. Oh jeez sorry I-I didn't knock" Luke just rolled his eyes and laughed a little throwing on one of his sleeveless shirts and an orange beanie hat on. "Don't worry about it."

"I came to uh. Apologize-"

"You don't have to buddy." Luke placed both of his hands on to Alex's shoulders. "We're good alright?" Alex shook his head up and down gulping still trying to find words to say to him after just walking in on his friend changing. "Alex you okay?"

"Me? Yea- yea I'm fine. Tired that's all." Alex huffed staring at the ground. "Didn't exactly get a lot of sleep." Luke lifted Alex's head up to look at him and smiled. "Take a nap here." He patted on his bed. "I don't mind I'll probably just write some song lyrics."

Alex face suddenly got hot as he got on the bed to lay down. "Luke-" he paused seeing Luke sitting next to him with a notebook out. Alex suddenly spoke out "Luke can you lay down with me-" Alex eyes widened realizing what he just said. "Sorry- I didn't mean that- unless you want too I don't know." Luke stopped what he was doing and didn't say anything staring at Alex.


Luke set his notebook down and laid besides Alex still not saying a word then feeling Alex place his head on his chest with his arms around him. A smile appeared on both of their faces feeling comfort and these emotions running through them but they didn't mind all they wanted was to be around each other. Once the boys got comfortable hugging each other like that they didn't want the feeling to end.

"Alex?" Luke whispered at him and looked down seeing he fell asleep. Luke slowly got up being careful to not wake him up and picked back up his notebook and sat at his desk lightly taping his pencil on his desk thinking about what to write for a song. After a few minutes he decided what he was going to do. At the top of the paper he wrote A song for Alex. Luke smiled to himself at the thought of it. Leaning back into his chair. He got up but was startled by Alex watching him jump up breathing heavy and nearly sweating.

"Luke?" Alex looked around panicking then focusing on his friend as he calmed down and pulled Luke on the bed for a hug. "Bad dream?" Luke shook his head kind of sarcastically hugging Alex "you alright?" The drummer simply nodded his head and pulling away from the hug. "I don't exactly want to talk about it." Luke smiled at him understanding and put his head on his shoulder. "I'm here if you need me."

"I know."

A/n: y'all sorry this took so long for me to update school stressful 🥺 this might have been a shorter chapter than before but I hope this was okay.

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