Chapter 6

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A/n: okay so this might be like- a mildly heavy chapter in a way idk how to describe it but yea.

It's been almost a month since Luke and Alex started dating and they both agreed that they'd let the guys know about them. Later that day all of them were hanging out at the beach Alex and Luke looked at each other getting mentally prepared to tell them when Luke finally spoke. "Guys Um Alex and I are dating we have been for nearly a month." Reggie and bobby both glanced between Luke and Alex then shrugged while Bobby put his hand on Luke's shoulder. "We been knew well I figured it out first then kind of explained it to Reggie you guys aren't the best at hiding the fact that you are together." Luke scoffed pushing Bobby's hand off of him. "Like you wouldn't be able to hide something like that."

"You should know me enough to know that I can lie you just can't tell what I'm lying about. There's more to me you don't know." Bobby looked luke up and down then a smirk came on his face then glanced at alex and walked away. Small chills went down Alex's back then he held on to Luke's arm. "What does he mean by that?" Luke held alex hand then rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb calming him down. "Relax he's probably upset because some girl stopped talking to him."

"I never seen him that upset before." Reggie tuned into the conversation placing a towel on the sand. "When he told me about you guys it was like he almost sounded jealous." Alex and Luke gave each other side glances then looked at Reggie. "Reg what exactly did he tell you?" Alex spoke out sitting down on the sand.

"Well we were hanging out at the park together and he asked me if I knew what was up with you two I told him no cuz I didn't really get what we was saying." Reggie paused looking at alex then glancing over at luke then continued. "He told me he was sure you guys are together- well you are so he wasn't completely wrong and I don't know he sounded upset then he said it wasn't exactly fair that you guys were keeping it a secret." A small amount of anger rose is Luke he didn't understand why he was getting worked up over this but part of him just wanted to yell and shout at Bobby for it. "Bobby just doesn't get it he could go around and go out with any Girl he wanted too no one would say anything as soon as people see two guys or even girls doing it suddenly it's wrong." Alex saw how furious Luke was getting he grabbed his arm then pulled Luke next to him. "Just calm down bobby is just- being Bobby he'll be fine and you'll be fine."

"That's not the freaking point Alex I don't really get what's up with him right now or if he's even jealous or not but clearly he doesn't understand that we had our reasons to not tell them- forget it whatever." Luke stood up kicking a bit of the sand on a towel dusting himself off. "I'm going home. I'll see you guys later." He stormed off leaving Alex and Reggie small bit of silence and a little bit of awkward tension grew until Reggie spoke up. "They'll be fine. Don't worry about it." Alex let out a breath and started fidgeting with his thumbs. "I don't like seeing Luke get so mad like that." Slight tears weld up In his eyes. "I know he'll be okay he normally always is but he got so fired up over a stupid conversation that doesn't even matter anymore I just-" Alex stopped feeling his voice crack as tears rolled down his face. Reggie put his arm around alex shoulder rubbing his back trying to comfort him. "Hey don't worry maybe try talking to Luke it never hurts to ask him about it." Alex just nodded wiping his face and stood up. "Reggie I'm gonna go talk to Luke are you going to be ok?"

"Oh uh yea I'll go find Bobby."Reggie smiled standing up and brushed off his pants. Alex smiled lightly at him then walked away and headed towards Luke's.

Luke was laying in his bed his eye red and puffy from crying as he stared at his ceiling while all he could think about was what Bobby said to them and what he told reggie. He wanted to stop thinking about it but the thought wouldn't go away Luke felt himself about to cry again when a pair of arms wrapped around him holding him close realizing Alex had came in. Luke sunk into the hug putting his head on Alex chest slowly calming back down feeling Alex rub his back moving his hand in circles as Luke slowly fell asleep in Alex's arms. Alex stayed hugging Luke kissing his head cuddling him falling asleep few minutes after him.

A/n: this one was a little tense but it adds tea so :)

Before they died/Alex and Luke Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora