Chapter 4

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Few weeks went by and things with Alex and luke were going good but they still haven't told their bandmates about them yet. Luke and Alex were at Luke's house since they had some free time before they had to practice with the band. Curiously alex looked around the room. by Luke's bed he had posters of different bands and on the other side of his room there was a desk with papers scattered all over it and an open notebook half of a page filled up. Alex got up and went over to the desk picking up the note book but stopping when Luke grabbed his shoulder and his other hand snatching the notebook from him holding it close to his chest. "You can't look at this. I'm still working on it." Alex eye brow rose and a smirk came on. "Now I'm interested what are you Writing about?"

"Nothing- well not nothing. It's a song." Luke looked down at his notebook a blush appearing on his cheeks. "It's uh. About you." Alex's eyes widen and a sarcastic laugh left his mouth "you made a song for me?" Alex wrapped his boyfriend in his arms. "That's cute." Luke smiled and pressed his head on alex chest. "Hey um it's been a few weeks are we ever going to tell the guys? It's fine if you don't want to yet." Luke fixed his eyes on to Alex as he furrowed his eyebrows at him. "No- not yet luke keep this between us for now."

"Okay well we're gonna have to say something soon." Luke pulled from the hug and sat down on the bed "they're our friends you know they wouldn't judge or make fun of us for it." Alex stared at Luke not saying anything for a minute then replying "Luke let's not forget the fact that I got kicked out for being who I am." He began pacing back and forth across the room. "Don't get me wrong I know they wouldn't mind but Everything that's been going on were big changes I don't do well with change you should know that-" Alex's rambling was cut off by Luke's lip touching Alex's as he soon melted into the kiss placing his hands on Luke's waist pulling him in closer when a knock on the door caused them to jump and stop. Luke walked up to the door cracking it open slightly seeing his mom standing there. "Mom. Everything okay?"

"Me and your dad are going out for a bit." His mom smiled walking away and leaving with his dad. Luke shut his door turned to face alex "well we're home alone. What you want to do?" A smirk came on alex face as he grabbed the note book hanging it to Luke "I want you to sing the song- or what you have done" Luke face went red as he chuckled nervously "you mean now? I was planning on the song to be a uh duet- if you want." Alex nodded liking the idea Luke smiled getting his guitar out. "Uh the songs called perfect harmony." (Ok so I can Highkey imagine like Luke and Alex singing this and it would be cute asf so yea) Alex grabbed a seat and listened to him sing. but all Alex could focus on was the sound of Luke's voice when he sings and whenever he looks into Luke eyes he completely falls for him all over again he doesn't want that feeling to end. When Luke finished playing he noticed alex looking at him but zoned out, Luke waved his hand in Alex's face making him refocus on Luke.

"did you like it? Or were you too zoned out to pay attention?" Luke teased a little putting his guitar away. "I don't blame you I'm amazing." Alex playfully pushed Luke by his shoulder slightly blushing. "Stop- I liked it. Even tho I wasn't really paying much attention because you're cute." Luke got up and sat on alex lap facing him putting their foreheads together Alex's hands on Luke's waist as the drummer pulled Luke into a kiss holding him by his shirt while Luke's hands went on the sides of Alex's face. Luke pulled away catching his breath but smiling at his boyfriend. "I'm glad we're dating."

"Me too luke." Alex held on to Luke's hand rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "Also I don't think I said this but thanks for like. Letting me stay you know." Luke just smiled and got up pulling Alex to his feet. "Yea yea I don't want to do the whole emotional speech thing you're welcome but I'm not in the exact mood to go all sentimental." Alex laughed in response. "Then what you want to do-" Luke patted Alex's chest making him stop talking. "Alex dude we're late." Alex shot a confused look at Luke. "Late for what?"

"Rehearsal dude come on it started like 30 minutes ago." Panicking Luke threw on his orange beanie hat and took Alex's arm leading them out the room and out the house heading towards the garage. "Cant believe we lost track of time." Alex grabbed on Luke's shoulder. "Calm down we'll be fine."

Luke sighed going into the studio. "Sorry we're late." Bobby and Reggie already there and set up shot their heads towards Luke and Alex. "How come you two are always coming in at the same time?" Reggie gave them a confused look. "Am I missing something?"

"Reggie they obviously have something going on." Bobby gestured to Luke and Alex. "There's no way this was a coincidence that they just so happen to come in late at the same time." Alex and Luke just looked over at each other but Luke gave the drummer a 'you first' kind of look. Alex sort of took the hint and looked at Bobby. "There isn't anything going on. Maybe this time it actually was a coincidence." He walked over and sat at his drums and got ready as Luke went to his spot to set up. "Alex and I are just friends okay?"

"Yea who hang out all most all the time way more than you guys do with us and we never see you two leave the studio after rehearsal is over-" Bobby went on talking but Luke interrupted him. "Bobby just drop it we're here now alright let's just start already."

"Yea whatever."

A/n: hey I posted :) mostly cute kind of chapter (until towards the end obviously) but I still Lowkey think Alex and Luke singing perfect harmony together would be cute ik it was like Julie imagining the song but I would be down to see the guys preform it u know :)

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