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I'm Melli, as you probably know, the author of this story.

Important things in this A/N will be in bold. Please read them. Anything else, you may skip if you please.

Anyway. This story revolves around the Dreamnotfound ship (ahaha because you'd never know that from the title.) 

!please please please respect both George and Dream, as well as all other mcyts in the story, whether or not the ship is implied. Do not (d o n o t ) shove this in their faces or try and force their sexuality. Leave. It. Alone. It is none of your business who they are in a relationship with or not. I understand both Dream and George are okay with shipping, but that doesn't mean you can make them uncomfortable, and in no way is this story meant to do that.!

So yeah. Basically, this story is meant to be an inside joke of sorts with a friend of mine. I'll put effort into it, yes, but it's all fiction. It's also sort of a practice for me as a writer to try and get characters to have better personality and whatnot. It will be fluffy and fun don't worry about that lmao 

!there will be no smut or nsfw of any sorts in this story. I don't mind if you make suggestive comments so long as you aren't making anyone uncomfortable, but please don't ask me to write anything like that. It makes me uncomfortable to think about, especially because these are r e a l p e o p l e .! 

please give me constructive criticism throughout this!! I am a beginner writer and it would really really help <3 

be kind to one another, and have a wonderful day <3 


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