The Role You Were Born to Play

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Finn Hudson is in the tire shop, frustrated, but taking it out on the car. Artie rolls in. "Why do I always feel so at home in a tire shop?" Finn looks at Artie "That was a joke."

"What do you want, Artie? I got a lot of work to do," Finn says as he turns back to work on the car

"I just wanted to check in on you. You've had a rough couple of months, and I thought maybe you could use a friend," Artie says as he places his hands on his lap

"It's not that bad. I just embarrassed myself out of the army, lost Rachel completely, and now I'm back in my hometown working in a tire shop. Figure maybe my luck will change soon and one of the lifts will break, and I'll get crushed by a car." Artie looks at Finn in shock "I'm sorry, Artie. I appreciate what you're doing, you're a great friend. I'm just kind of sitting back and looking at the next 60 years of my life. It just sort of makes me want to puke. But it is what it is." Finn says dejectedly.

"Do you remember what I said when I dedicated that song to you last year?" Finn nods "That you were my friend, my hero. I'm not gonna let you bury yourself in self-pity, Finn. You're better than that."

"You know, I've heard that a lot all my life, Artie. That I'm better than I think I am. Well, look around." Finn looks down "Maybe I'm not."

"You just lost your confidence because you forgot your place. You're a creative person. You need to find an artistic outlet. Come co-direct the musical with me. Grease was your idea." Finn looks at him in shock

"I don't know how to direct a musical, Artie," Finn says as Artie crosses his arms

"Directing is about having an idea and convincing everyone around you to make it happen."

"I don't think so," Finn says negatively

"Fine. Then I'm not doing it, either, which means there is no musical." Artie says with a grin

"You can't do that, man, hold the musical hostage. That's like terrorism," Finn says trying not to hide a smile

"Basically, Olivia Newton-John is strapped to my chest, and unless you co-direct with me, I'm gonna blow her up." Finn laughs "I'm serious, Finn. Trust me, as your friend, you need to do this. Just so you can look at the first month of the next 60 years of your life and not want to puke." Artie wheels out and yells, "Auditions are tomorrow!"


Sam is walking down the hall after his conversation with Blaine about Kurt, and runs into Santana.

"What the hell Trouty, ya scared the hell outta me!" She yells.

"Yeah, sorry San, I'm just on edge right now," Sam says nervously

"About what?" she asks as she crosses her arms, "How you can't seem to figure out how to shrink your lips?"

"No! Santana what the hell?" he says as Santana laughs, "Well you see, after you broke up with Britt, well even before, she was kinda all over me. Like I don't know, leaning her head against mine, giving me secret passes she thinks I won't notice."

"Look Sam, please, don't go after her"

"That's what I said. I love you Santana" Santana raises her hand, about to slap "NOT IN THAT WAY! God Santana, you're one of my best friends. I wouldn't do anything to jeprodize that OK?"

"OK Trouty, you scared me for a second there." She looks up and sees Finn walking down the hallway, and she smiles. Ever since they graduated, they stayed in touch. She now considers him her best friend, which is weird to her, but she loves him anyways.

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