I Do

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"Babe wake up! Mr. Shue's back today" Finn is still motionless on their bed. "FINN"

He shoots up, "OK OK, I'm up"

"Thank you" Marley says innocently as Finn chuckles and kisses her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why would anything be wrong?" Finn says nervously

"Finn, we live together. I can read you like a book. Don't lie to me."

"What if he kicks us to the curb?"

"Who?" It finally dawns on Marley, "Finn, you and Santana will be considered legends to Mr. Shue. You made sure we beat the Warblers, and we did it while they were cheating. As much as me might hate to admit it, Glee Club might not exist anymore if it wasn't for you two. He's gonna keep you around."

"How do you always know what to say to cheer me up?"

"Well, actually, I'm secretly an alien with supernatrual abilities that make me read people's minds" Finn's eyes widen

"Wait what?"


"I wouldn't care if you were an alien, I'd still love you. OK but seriously how?"

"I had the same talk with Santana last night?"

"Wait after we"

"Yup" She says with a smirk, "now come on Hudson, let's go!"

"Fine by me"


Finn and Marley are walking to the choir room, as Finn's face lights up when he sees someone, "PUCK!" He yells as he catches up to him and bro-hug

"HUDDY! How goes it bro?"

"Well same as always I guess. Ready for this weekend?"

"Duh. Halo Marathon tonight, and tomorrow night" Marley snaps a look at Finn, thinking he'll be off limits to her, "Don't worry Rose, the marathons usually start at 3 a.m. You'll have plenty of time with Finn before that." Marley blushes at that, but is slightly relived.

"Ok Puck, let's go we got Glee" Finn says

"I hope Quinn's there"

"Dude, she's with Santana now."

"Damn. Well, I'll just have to have some fun. What about that girl Kitty?"



"She's a bitch"

"Hot" Puck says as the three laugh.

"Oh god" Finn says when he walks in to see all of the Alumni. 

"Finn, you got this" Marley says

"Glee Club!" Will says as he walks into the choir room, facing the New Directions, old and new

"Mr. Shue, how was D.C.?" Artie asks

"D.C. was great, but now I am back to stay. And so, for my first order of business, I want to give a big shout-out to the people who made sure I had something to come back
to, Finn Hudson & Santana Lopez!" He motions to the two alums. "Now, for this week's assignment" He writes 'Wedding' on the board as everyone cheers. "Miss Pillsbury and I are finally getting married, which makes me the happiest, luckiest man alive. Now, Emma has been handling all the prep, so to help out, I thought I'd take charge of the entertainment
for the reception. For everyone else who isn't out with Asian bird flu..."

Jake glares at Tina and she says "It wasn't me."


"...it's a Valentine's Day wedding, which means, we need some great romantic love songs at the reception. 

"Wait. You want us to be your wedding singers?"

"That is so..."

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