All or Nothing

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Finn is cleaning his and Marley's room after they get home, and a book slides out of Marley's pillowcase, "Marley?" No answer. Finn shrugs and opens the book where it's marked. He's shocked to see that it's not words, but a music staff with piano notes and lyrics.

He reads to the first chorus, "What are you doing?" Marley asks quickly as Finn smiles at her.

"I am reading your amazing song," Finn says as Marley snatches the book from him

"It's not amazing. It's horrible. You're just saying that because you love me," Marley says sadly

"No, I'm not," Finn says as he pulls her to his lap, "I'm saying it's amazing because it is. And I was wondering if I could maybe write the drum part to it for you," Finn says as he shrugs as Marley smiles.


"Regionals" Santana says as she and Finn walk into the choir room as everyone cheer.

"Guys, settle down." Finn says as everyone gets quiet, "I just found out,because of safety concerns related to late-season tornados Indianapolis has declined to host the competition. So! As defending champions, we're having regionals here, in our auditorium."


"Home court advantage y'all," Artie says

"Now, because of a sexting scandal at Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness, their glee club, the Nun-touchables, has been excommunicated by the new pope. They've been replaced by the world-famous boys of Ziegler Prep, the Waffle-toots." Santana cuts in

"The who now?"

"Yes, I know, but guys, I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, The Hoosierdaddies are still the favorites. Once again, the New Directions are the underdogs."

"I mean, their lead vocalist, Frito Pie is a tiny juggernaut of talent." Santana cuts in, again

"We are in for the fight of our lives. So, let's get real. There comes a moment in every performer's life that defines him or her, sometimes for the rest of their career. This is our moment. We've struggled, we've endured, and now we must triumph. So, for regionals, me and San have, once again, called upon some legends here at McKinley, ladies and gentlemen, the New Directions Class of 2012!!" As the 5 alumni walk in

"Well, except Hobbit" Santana says

"Way to kill the mood Lopez" Puck says

"Shut it Puckerman," Mercedes says as Puck mock surrenders

"OK, so, unlike sectionals, you will not be pairing up."

"Yes, so, every 15 minutes, you guys will be in a rotation block, everyone in different groups, by grade level. So, wait hold on, where are Joe and Sugar?" Finn asks walking around

"Right here Hudson" Joe says as he and Sugar walk in together

"Alright, so sophomores, you are with Mercedes Kurt and Mike, juniors with Q & San, Seniors with me and Puck. We will be helping you guys with how to emote regarding our setlist."

"Um, Finn, you kinda forgot to tell us the songs we'll be singing" Jake says

"Crap, uh, sorry guys. For the opener, we will be doing Hall of Fame by the Script & Will-I-Am, second, is I don't Care, which will be kind of like a Treble Tones number, and for our closer, Blaine and Marley are doing the duet."

"Hold on one second, Finn, it is so unfair for Marley to get the solo, obviously she buttered you up since you live together." Unique says

"Um, actually Wade, it was the alumni's decision, and our co-captains agreed to this too." Marley says

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