Sadie Hawkins

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Marley's POV

It's December at McKinley. Wow, this year's gone by so fast. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun...

Ever since I met Finn, he's been making me better. He's opened my eyes to so much in this world that I never even knew existed. And also, I turn seventeen this month, along with Christmas down the corner. I want to do something awesome for Finn since he's been there so much for me. Look out Finn Hudson, Marley Rose has something awesome in store for you... even though I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.

No one's POV

Santana and Brittany are in the choir room, talking about their relationship

"Britt, what I'm trying to say, is that I'm so glad we've both moved on from our past, and we can be besties for life again"

"Yeah, me too Tana. I just want you to know that I really like someone and I think I see me and him going far"

"It's not McCripple pants is it?"

"Oh god no. It's Blaine," Brittany squeals

"Britt, that's awesome, make your move, GO GET YOUR MAN"

"Not until you get your girl"

"How did you-"

"I just do, she's bi too now go get her, it's been almost five years"

"OK fine"


"Hey Marls!" Marley turns around, and sees her charming boyfriend in a flannel and jeans. Somehow, he just makes even the simple things look sexy. "Marls" He's just too damn sexy sometimes. "MARLEY"

She snaps out of her trance, "Hey babe! How's your day been?"

"Well, it's better now, if that's what you're asking. And it's been pretty well. Will's coming back next month, so I guess me and San will be out of jobs. It really sucks y'know? I really like coaching Glee with Santana."

"Well maybe you don't have to stop." Finn gives Marley a confused look. "Finn, Mr. Shue will most likely keep you and Santana here because you guys are awesome, and plus, now you know what you want to do with your life." She says a smile

"And what might that be Ms. Rose?"

"Go to University of Lima, and get a teaching degree! Try to get Santana to go with you. She might be a very good Cheerios heir to the Demon herself. "

"Babe, that's an awesome idea! Thank you" They hug, and Finn gets back to work.


"Hey San wait up!" Finn says running down the hall

"What's up Frankenteen because you ain't the only one going through a dilemma." Santana says

"OK, so I just got done talking with Marls, and she suggested that we get teaching degrees and U of Lima because Will's coming back. And plus, apparently they have a work-study program thing where we can work at a school, and get college credit for it how awesome is that?!"

"OK, Finn that is awesome, don't ever let that girl go." She says while pointing a finger at Finn, "OK, so I need help."

"What's wrong, is it Britt?"

"No, actually, it's about someone else..."

"San who?" She shakes her head in embarrassment as he pulls her into a room. "Who, and please don't say Marley"

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