The Mystery Tour

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Slight A/N; so I renamed this episode because my version doesn't have a lot of Tina involvement. The story line will sorta be the same, with a little changes regarding the character.

Finn and Santana are planning the second half of their lesson in the choir room, "OK, so Sylvester wants New Directions to perform at the Brundle-Prom thing whatever. It's still very confusing, but I think I figured out the setlist"

"Lay it on me Huddy"

"OK, so I don't exactly know the order, but I want Seargent Pepper, The Long and Winding Road, A couple of Abbey Road song, should be pretty obvious which ones, and the Magical Mystery Tour."

"Finn that's perfect! And plus, it's not too bad that your girlfriend got nomiated for queen. You must be happy."

"Yeah, I am. Growing up, she didn't really have a lot of nice things, so this would be an amazing experience for her." He pauses for a minute, "Speaking of Mar, she should be here, I'm taking her for lunch" As soon as he hears that, he and Santana hear that oh so familiar noise of a slushy being tossed

"Fuck not again." She says as the two start walking out of the choir room to clean up

"I know what you mean, this is the first slushy tossing in a while" As soon as he says that, his eyes get wide, and he immedietly runs over, "MARLEY"

"Rose, you alright?" Santana asks as Marley shakes her head

"Babe, who did this" Finn asks while cupping her face


"Oh that BITCH" Santana yells, as she gets everyones attention in the hall, "Alright, if anyone sees a gender swapped Noah Puckerman, speak. NOW" Almost everyone is frightened by the Latina, and points in the direction of the Girls locker room. "Finn, go get Marley cleaned up. I'll handle her" Finn nods

"Marls, come on, let's go. I got an extra flannel in my car." She looks up and Finn, smiles and nods as the two walk to the restroom to clean Marley up.


"What do you mean you can't do anything about it?"

"I am truly sorry Lopez, but there is nothing legal that I can do according to the school board regarding slushies to the face. If this continues however, I can classify this as severe bullying."

"Great, just great"

"Santana I am very sorry. As much as I like Ms. Rose, I just can't do anything. Please send her my apologies."

"Thanks for your help Sue"

"Santana wait. Now that I'm principal, I need to find a replacement for my Cheerios! Squad. I want you to apply for the job."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes really. If you continue to do what you're doing with Hudson and that Glee Club, I can almost garruntee that job will be yours next year."

"Wow, thank you so much Sue. I will consider it."

"The pleasure is mine Santana. And I know that I might not show it often, I am truly, extremely proud of the success you and Hudson have had not even 9 months out of high school."

"Wow, thank you Sue. That means a lot coming from you"

"You're welcome Sandbags, now if you'll excuse me, get the hell out of my office."

"There's the Sue Sylvester I know and love." Santana says as they both laugh, "It was nice talking to you Coach" Santana says as she walks out, giving Sue a smile

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