Girls (And Boys) On Film

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"So it's Mr. Shue's week back! How has the lesson planning been?" Marley asks Finn

"It's been terrible. He's trying to do a lesson where he tries to tie in history to make us learn something. We're the New Directions. We need to do something out of the box if we want to win at regionals." Marley opens her mouth to speak, "and before you say anything, yes I know that history is out of the box, but that's like TOO out of the box. We're not from that fucking farmers school. We need to be creative."

"OK, then how about you do the lesson? Ask Will if you can do the lesson this week, so he can see how you run things."

"Yeah, but it sucks that Santana's in New Haven visiting Quinn, she's kinda been the one that tells me to self-idiot-check myself when it comes to lessons, but whatever." Finn says with a laugh. 

"Well, just think, what do you love?"

"You" he says with a smirk.

"Yeah no shit Hudson" She says as she kisses him, "but other than me"

His smirk gets bigger, "Movies"


"NO FINN! This is MY lesson and MY club, you have no control over what this club does anymore!" Will says

"OK then a couple weeks ago, what was all of that about me and San directing WITH YOU?! Seriously, you've been gone for 4 months, and you expect me to just hand it over AFTER you guaranteed me and San a say in what we do? I mean come on? Putting history in a mix with glee club? What you're doing is worse than the time you tried to teach about CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, sorry CROSS during my junior year. I mean he's so irrelevent that I don't even remember his name, and everyone re-butted and wanted to do Brittany. I'm telling you, we need to do something the kids will actually listen and be engaged in, hence the movie lesson."

"God DAMNIT Finn!! For the LAST TIME, WE ARE DOING HISTORY WEEK. And if you don't like it, there's the door." He points at the door.

"You know what Will, ever since you got back from your honeymoon, you've given me NOTHING BUT SHIT AND I"M TIRED OF IT!!!! So, have fun with your new glee club who are apparently magically going to regionals, fuck you, I'm taking a break. I'll be back when you come to your senses." Finn says as he walks out the door, giving Will the finger.

Little to either of the men, Blaine and Brittany recorded the whole conversation, and they're pissed because one, this interrupted their make-out session, and two, Mr. Shue was being a bitch to Finn.


Finn charges out of the choir room, making his way to the auditorium furiously. Marley sees this, and silently follows him there. When she walks in, she sees Finn sitting on the stage, tears down his face. She doesn't even think, and just starts running to the stage, embracing Finn, and letting him cry on her shoulder, "I'm here Finn, and I swear, I swear to god, I'm never leaving you." After about 10 minutes, he calms down, and puts his head in Marley's lap as she runs her fingers through his hair. "Wanna talk about it?"

"I mean kind of, but why does he think he can walk all over me when he's been gone for MONTHS? It just pisses me off. It's like what me and San did doesn't even matter."

"I don't know Finn, Mr. Shue's being very irrational right now, and we can't really do anything about it because if we talk back, we'll probably be kicked out of the club."

"Then we all quit, and make our own glee club" Blaine says as he walks down the entrance with Brittany, Sam, Jake, Tina and Artie.

"Finn, we all saw that outbreak that you and Mr. Shue had" Artie says.

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