Feud Part 1

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As Finn hits the floor, he knows that he shouldn't do anything to jeprodize his job, (but as we all know, Finn struggles with his anger sometimes) so he pretends to be knocked out. He cracks his eyes, and sees Marley step in front of him, protecting him like a dog, "Don't even think about it" she says as Will steps forward.

"What are you gonna do about it huh? You're just a tiny little girl. I always get what I want, so get the hell. Out of my way." Marley doesn't move, so Will winds up to hit her, Marley doesn't even flinch when the fist comes towards her face, but she flinches when that fist is caught by a rough, muscular hand.

"Alright, ENOUGH! The only person who has EVER laid a hand on Finn, and gotten away with it, was me. Stop acting like a child, and get the hell out of here before I fuck you up, and you know that nothing is stopping me, because unlike Finn, I don't have morals." The man says as Will has absolute fear in his eyes. He knows what this kid is capable of. Hell, he went to juvie for stealing a fucking ATM with a Volvo of all cars. Will, turns around, and walks away. He looks over to Marley, "Hey Rose, you good?" She shakes her head, and he wraps her in a hug.

"I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."

"I actually wasn't supposed to be here today, but Beiste needed help with the football team today. I'm glad I came. Finn's my best friend, and the love of your life."

"Thank you Puck" Finn says while getting up, and Marley runs over to Finn, and checks for anything bad. "Marley, I'm fine, it's just a punch, and just to put it out there, your punches hurt more."

Marley giggles at her boyfriend's ability to make any sad moment full of joy in a second, "Yes, I know, but that still doesn't mean that I can't worry about you."

"The question I should be asking is are you OK? I saw what you did, stand up for me. No one's ever done that before."

"Well that's because no one's ever loved you like I love you, and I would protect you again, and again in a heartbeat, no matter the cost." 

Finn kisses Marley, "How the hell did I get so lucky?"

"I'm the lucky one, trust me."

Puck gags, "Oh my god, Santana was right, this is the one thing that can be discusting and romantic at the same time." The three laugh, "Well, anyways, I gotta bounce, Huddy we still on for halo tonight?"


"Alright, see you two lovebirds later" He says as he hugs Marley and Finn.

"wow, never have I ever though that Will would punch you, and none the less, PUCK come save me."

"yeah, people can suprise us in different ways I guess." Finn says as he shrugs his shoulders.

"Hey can we go home? I need your help on a history project."

"Yeah, let's go. Honestly, I need your help too, I'm applying to University of Lima, and the essay is due tonight, and yes, I did forget I had to write an essay to go to college."

"Let's go then" She says with a smile as they interlock their hands, and walk out of the school

Hey guys, so I had to cut this chapter short mainly because I couldn't come up with a feud storyline other than Finn/Will, and because I said the chapter would be out tonight. So lemme brainstorm, and part 2 should be out by Tuesday.

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