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"Call the number, Bokuto." Kuroo orders, not even showing a slight sense of compassion towards his friend who examines the scruffy correction pen job.

"Listen, I know I lost the bet, but isn't calling a phone number Tipp-Exxed onto a park lamppost a bit too much?" Bokuto pouts, playing with the little owl charm he has plugged into his headphone jack.

As Bokuto backs out and puts his phone away, Kuroo stands firm and outstretches his own phone - with the number already inserted and dialing. Out of sheer panic Bokuto grabs it and listen to the voice on the other end.

"Hello?" They say.
"Good afternoon." Bokuto tries to sound confident, but the slight crack of his voice reveals his true emotions.

"Did you find the lamppost?" Their voice is shaky, a frustrated sigh immediately following as they piece together the situation at hand.

"I did. I rang because I lost a bet and this was my punishment." Bokuto admits, giving Kuroo a side eye.

"If you don't mind, I'd prefer to talk online. I guess there's no roping out of this situation. My Instagram account is. . ."

"Go on. Text him. Next time, don't back out of eating super hot chilli peppers." Kuroo jokes, clutching his stomach from laughing too much at his flustered friend.

Bokuto turns on his 4G, opening Instagram and finding the account matching the username he was given. Reluctantly, he types the first thing that comes to his mind.

bokutowl: is this Lamppost Guy?

starboy: is this Bet Loser?

bokutowl: yes. why is your number even up there in the first place?

starboy: my friend did it.

bokutowl: that's weird. you could have some creep messaging you. ('・_・')

starboy: i could be the creep.

bokutowl: touché

starboy: but at least you're not a creep

bokutowl: how would you know?

starboy: it isn't a good idea to keep your account on public.

bokutowl: dont stalk me :(

starboy: then make your account private.

bokutowl: :((

starboy: I'm just glad you're a not a pedo

bokutowl: sounds like something a pedo would say (҂⌣̀_⌣́)

starboy: im a teenager too you idiot

bokutowl: prove it

starboy: follow me, mr smartass -_-

Bokuto sends a follow request and they quickly accept it. The first photo he sees is a teenager boy, who Bokuto can only presume is him. He has jade eyes which verge on a deep blue eyes, his hair being black to compliment the colours.

Bokuto looks at more photos. They're all of the same jade-eyed person, but with different hair colours and styles. His breath hitches at one moment.

Starboy had taken a selfie with him and faded dark blue hair, but the background piques Bokuto's interest, happening to know where that place is.

Quickly, he checks the caption to confirm his suspicions.

starboy I'm so glad to leave this shithole. Thanks for the expulsion, guys. I hope you realise that it wasn't me in the wrong. Thank you, and have a good day.

Yours truly, Keiji.

Bokuto wastes no time checking the date stamp. It's dated as two months ago. He promptly returns back to his Instagram messages.

bokutowl: so you went to Fukurodani?

starboy: do you go there?

bokutowl: yeah

starboy: tough luck

bokutowl: what did you do to get expelled?

starboy: that isnt any of your concern

bokutowl: sorry ╥﹏╥

starboy: what year are you in

bokutowl: third!

starboy: so you're around 17/18?

bokutowl: seventeen. Eighteen in a month.

starboy: I just turned seventeen.

bokutowl: can you tell me why your friend posted your number? I'm so curious (」゚ロ゚)」

starboy: i don't actually know why he did

starboy: any other questions?

bokutowl: uhhhh don't put me on the spot \(;'□`)/

bokutowl: whats your natural hair colour

starboy: black

starboy: these are some pretty generic questions.

bokutowl: its what i do best

starboy: youre strange. You know that?

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