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"It's even more crowded than I thought." Bokuto stares at the teenagers queueing for entrance, all dressed up in the best suits and dresses they could find. "Bokuto, can we wait until the queue dies down a bit? Sit somewhere quiet and just... talk for a bit?"

The familiar faces of his peers completely pulls Akaashi back into reality. "Of course. I remember seeing a bench about five minutes ago?" Akaashi smiles at Bokuto weakly, grateful for him being so compliant without asking invasive questions.

Bokuto looks down at Akaashi's hand before making a final decision to lock his own hands with the smaller boy's. The two walk in a comfortable silence for slightly over five minutes before sitting down in the relative quiet.

"Is everything alright, Akaashi?" Bokuto's tone is soft, putting Akaashi at ease. He leans against Bokuto's right arm, still keeping their hands interlocked as he tries to think about how to respond.

"I'll be alright. I didn't realise how difficult it would be to see people I know and recognise from school, so it just took me by surprise."
"We don't have to go back over there if it stresses you out."
"Bokuto, this is your night. I'll be fine in a few minutes, really."

Akaashi sits up properly on the bench after ten minutes of silence before squeezing on Bokuto's hand. "Let's join the queue, now. I'm sure it's a lot less crowded." Bokuto's smile returns to his face as he leaps up from the bench.

They join the queue, estimating they have about seventeen more couples in front of them before they're let in. Bokuto traces his thumb over Akaashi's in slow circles, trying to comfort him as he can sense his date stiffening up.

"Thanks, Bokuto." Akaashi pushes through his worries and exhales massively when they're at the front of the queue. Bokuto removes his hand from Akaashi's as he searches for the tickets in one of his pockets.

The guard on the left examines it before letting the two inside the venue. The sound of the DJ gets more intense with each step the two boys make towards the main hall. The smell of unpermitted alcohol hits their nostrils, both causing them to turn up their noses as they push through to the top left corner of the hall.

Akaashi pours himself some juice and takes a biscuit from the tray beside before looking at all of his old classmates who are dancing and ignoring their surroundings. "What do you think so far, Akaashi?" Bokuto asks, internally thinking that this event is way lamer than he had ever anticipated.

"Kinda sucks." Akaashi responds, not even attempting to sugar coat his answer. He takes a bite out of his biscuit before physically recoiling. "Oh my gosh, it's as if these biscuits have been imported directly from the Sahara desert."

Bokuto lets out a heart laugh as he looks at the biscuit. "It can't possibly be that bad." Bokuto manages between laughs. "Try it then." Akaashi challenges, holding the biscuit up for Bokuto to take.

He does exactly so, taking a massive bite to ensure he's won the challenge and immediately regrets it. Akaashi bursts out into fits of laughter as he watches Bokuto heavily debate between spitting the biscuit out and ruining his pride or suffer through.

Bokuto suffers through for the worst minute of his life before rushing to pour himself several cups of juice. "I told you so." Akaashi smirks, nudging Bokuto, only to have drawn his attention to the sudden change in music.

The stage lights turn on and a new DJ comes on. "Sorry to ruin the mood for some, but this music is too ravey. I prepared a special mixtape for this night. First song on the list is "Out Like a Light" by "The Honeysticks". Draw your partner in close and tell them how much they mean to you."

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