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bokutowl: you haven't messaged me all weekend (T⌓T)

starboy: you haven't messaged me all weekend

bokutowl: don't copy me >:(

starboy: I'm not. Anyway, how are you?

bokutowl: I'm good. You? :D


bokutowl: why didn't you reply?

starboy: i had to do something and forgot to reply

bokutowl: oh ok (^v^)

starboy: how was school?

bokuto: boring

starboy: hey uh..

starboy: do you know yuki atsume?

bokutowl: yeah. Why?

starboy: does she mention me?

Bokuto stares at Keiji's question and ponder. Why does he care so much about Yuki? He types back after a brief moment.

bokutowl: all i can say is that she doesnt mention you in the classes i have with her. Nobody has?

starboy: i see

bokutowl: why?

starboy: well

starboy: it's just

starboy: her and i used to date

Bokuto chokes on his own breath. They used to date? He knew Yuki has dated people in the past, but he couldn't remember her ever mentioning a Keiji. Brushing it off as her probably only using his last name, he continues typing.

bokutowl: what happened in the relationship? You said you used to date?

starboy: she cheated on me with Oikawa

bokutowl: the popular dude from Aoba Johsai?

starboy: yeah. I wanted to know if she still cared about me i guess..

bokutowl: that was so rude of her

starboy: yeah but not as rude as my other partner

bokutowl: what happened with her? ಥ_ಥ

starboy: i don't want to talk about it.

bokutowl: sorry man

starboy: don't be

starboy: also. i have a question

bokutowl: :0

starboy: have you dated anyone

bokutowl: nope (⌒_⌒;)

starboy: right.

starboy: i don't think i ever asked but what's your name. Probably about time we introduced ourselves.

bokutowl: Bokuto Koutarou!!!

starboy: Akaashi Keiji

bokutowl: cool name ヽ(^。^)丿


starboy: hey bokuto?

starboy: never mind. You're in school.

bokutowl: I took the day off. What's the matter? \(;'□`)/

starboy: nothing

starboy: forget i said anything

bokutowl: are you ok?

starboy: why wouldn't i be?

bokutowl: because you're acting suspicious

starboy: forget today's conversation happened.

bokutowl: if that's what you want? :((


"Bokuto, are you OK? I didn't see you in Biology at all." Bokuto turns to see Konoha. He's breathing heavily as if he's been running for a long period of time and his chestnut hair is blowing violently in the wind.

"I wasn't feeling well yesterday. Did we get homework?" Konoha shakes his head and smiles, bringing out the emphasis on his olive coloured eyes.

Bokuto's bag starts to slip down his shoulder so Konoha recommends they set them down at our regiatration class and go on a walk. When they arrive at Konoha's class, they stop dead in their tracks upon hearing a loud commotion.

"Hey, Konoha, we got a new student." He glances to his right and we follow his eye movement. "Her name's Suzumeda. All the guys are drooling over her."

She turns around and looks at the two boys, giving them a small smile before standing up. She walks over and introduces herself.

"I'm Suzumeda Kaori. Are both of you in my form class?"
"I am. The name's Konoha Akinori. My buddy's Bokuto Koutarou, the class below ours."

She smiles weakly at the two, slightly intimated by their heights. "Nice to meet you. I hope we can be good friends!" She walks off to her friend group and Bokuto checks his phone, only to find one unread message from Kuroo. He releases a sigh as he reads it. "How's that guy?"

"You mean from the lamppost?" Bokuto replies. Kuroo messages back immediately, obviously annoyed at how long it took Bokuto to realise what he was on about.

"Well, I don't really know much about him but he does seem nice." Bokuto types back furiously.
"Why are you two on about a lamppost guy?" Konoha intervenes.

"Remember when I lost the game at the party? Well, Kuroo and I found a number on a lamppost and he forced me to ring it."

Konoha grabs Bokuto's wrist and drags him just past the sliding doors and trails him down the corridor, so that nobody else can hear the conversation. "You found a number on a lamppost and rang it?"
"Yeah. Someone Tipp-Exxed it on."

He slowly nods, but Bokuto finds his expression unreadable. "Hey, Konoha?" I ask. "What incident happened two months ago? About someone getting expelled." He stops in the hall, earning a yell from the person behind them.

"How do you know about that?"

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