chapter 2. I found peace in your violence

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The loud sound of the balls getting slammed to the floor with an incredible amount of force, sneakers crying as they wear getting used up from all the movement going on, everyone sweating bullets.

Atsumu's eyes darted to his left, watching as the ball went up. He rapidly moved under it, placing his hands over his head as he was ready to make the 2nd contact. His fingers cushioned the ball's fall, only to be propulsed back to the right, where the ace waited impatiently to strike.

Sakusa Kiyoomi had a nasty spike for an ace, his flexible wrists coming to his aid. It always gave Atsumu shivers to see the man spike with such unexpected force. He smiled slyly to the man, taking up his usual way of acting around a public.

"Omi-kun~ Nice spike!" He said with a small smirk, his hand up for a high five. The man glared at him, an evident look of disgust across his face. "Get the hell away from me, rat." He almost growled out at the blonde boy.

Atsumu chuckled and retracted his hand, acting as if he wasn't slightly insulted. He went back to his original position as they were playing a 3 vs 3. He waited as Hinata, the other person on their 3 person team, hit the serve.

The game was intense but the points weren't counted as it was a friendly game. One thing for sure, Bokuto seemed a bit upset that Sakusa is still better than him at spikes.

They went to the showers, Atsumu following the team as always. The difference is that he never showered with the others, he would rather just wait to say his goodbyes and shower at home, for oblivious reasons.

He waited patiently in his practice clothes as the boys slowly came from the showers, all freshly washed and looking refreshed. Bokuto smiled and held his fist up to fist bump Atsumu, a slight habit they had. "Hey hey Tsumu, ya gonna shower at home again?" "Yup, I told ya I rather shower home and get comfy!"

That was his stupid excuse. Everytime, he said he'd rather wait so he could be comfy, which no one questionned. He got his usual glare from Sakusa, moving away from the said man to give him space to walk out. "G'bye Omi! Make sure to stretch your wrists!" "Piss off Miya, good evening."

Atsumu let out a laugh at Sakusa's comment, making Hinata and Bokuto snort. "How are ya never offended, Tsumu?" Bokuto asked the blonde haired man. Atsumu shrugged and tapped his jaw lightly with his pointer finger. " 'M Used to it. My brother said worse." He said with a smile, just spurting out another lie to his teammates.

"Woahhh your brother seems like an ass." Bokuto said with a frown. Hinata objected quite loudly. "NoO! Osamu and Atsumu are both really cool! Osamu is just more calm and collected and Atsumu is loud and energetic!" Hinata said as he compared the twins.

Atsumu ruffled the human Tangerine's hair as the said boy laughed. "Aight, imma head home. G'bye y'all." He said as he waved to his two teammates.

He took a few deep breaths as he walked down the street to his apartment complex. His energetic and cheerful smile he kept on the whole time slowly fell, soon to be replaced with a huge frown.

He threw away the mirror earlier that morning, so he knew his doorway wasn't crowded by trash again. But before he went up to his apartment room, he stopped to get the mail. He was very surprised to see a black haired male wearing latex gloves and a mask getting the mail from the mailbox beside his own.

He politely waited at the entrance of the mailbox room, hoping it wasn't who he thought it was. If it was in fact Sakusa, he knew that the man was going to kill him for going in his personal space. The other person finished their business, turning around to reveal their face.

The two moles over his eyebrow, his sharp gaze that looks like a glare and black curls hanging over his face were extremely easily distinguished. Atsumu moved aside and made sure there was a maximum amount of distance between the two of them.

"Did you follow me here?" He asked annoyed and slightly angered. Atsumu shook his head, walking in the room after Sakusa exited to get his own mail. The black haired male watched as the blonde unlocked the mailbox beside his own.

"Neighbors? For real? Oh christ this has to be a joke." Sakusa said as he turned around to head to the stairs, Atsumu trailing behind. "Don't worry Omi-kun, I promise ya won't hear anything from my apartment." He said as he tried to not sound dull, but sound normal.

Sakusa grunted, mumbling out "better not" before going in his appartement, almost slamming the door. Atsumu shook his head and quietly entered his own appartement complex.

He pulled out his phone from his bag, seeing he had 30 texts and 4 calls. 2 texts from his brother, 3 from hinata, 1 from his mom and the rest and the calls were from Joon.

He shaked slightly as he ignored Joon again, scared that if he replied, the man would find him. Instead he replied to Hinata and his usual selfies, the his mom. Osamu simply asked to call, so that's what Atsumu did.

"Hey samu.
-Hey Tsumu. Are you doing okay..?
Atsumu shook his head lightly as he trembled, but still replied;
-good as ever!
He heard his brother's annoyed sigh and he knew Osamu wasn't stupid.
-Did he text you again?
-... He did. I didn't reply.
Osamu grunted and sighed.
-Tsumu, please just call the damn cops! The man's crazy!
Atsumu felt his breath quickening again, shaking his head more violently again.
-No... No samu... He'll find me and- and he'll probably kill me... I can't-
-Tsumu he's dangerous, okay, but the cops wouldn't let you get hurt.
-Samu I can't, I'm so so sorry..."

Atsumu replied breathlessly before hanging up, his panic attack getting worse. He rushed to his room and collapsed on his bed, breathing fast and heavily as tears rolled off his cheeks. He never sobbed loudly as he was used to not making noise while  crying, but he did have a tendency to scratch and hit himself while in a panic attack.

It was about an hour later he finally showered, a few new bruises and many scratches across his body.

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