Chapter 10, Hi, it's me

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The jury walked back into the large court room, a firm and sudden loud hammer knock was heard throughout the whole court room. The sever looking, aged man sitting at the front of the room wearing the official court room robe and scarf watched intensely as the 12 people walked in, looking intimidated.

Atsumu shuffled uncomfortably beside his lawyer,  Oikawa toruu, who gave him a comforting smile. "The jury may be seated." The judge said loudly and clearly from his massive oak desk.

The twelve people all scurried to seat themselves down, some looking rather relaxed as others seemed overly nervous. The finger fiddling or leg shuffling was common between the twelve people as the had debated the case for 8 days.

Joon sat on the defensive side with his own lawyer, a scrawny, grouchy looking woman who didn't seem to want to be there at all. Atsumu fiddled with a nearby pen, hoping that the jury recognized Joon's assaults as guilty.

"One by one, I want the jury to tell us the final decision. Dear jury, is Mr. Joon Hyung guilty of raping, physically and mentally abusing Mr. Miya Atsumu? Or is he non guilty?" The judge said as he grapped a pen and a notebook, looking at the first man on the bench of 12.

The first man cleared his throat and stood. "Guilty your honor." He bowed lightly and sat back down. The next member repeated the mans actions, declaring guilty, like the 11 others. When the last person, a woman in her 20's, declared Joon guilty, Atsumu wanted to cry of joy.

The hammer was heard again and angry protests from Joon, threatning everyone in the room and threatning to kill Atsumu, but he couldn't care less. He turned to the audience, his mother in tears, his brother and his boyfriend smiling widly and Sakusa, oh the handsome ace, clapped to Atsumu's victory.

" The mandatory jail time for sex crimes in Japan is 3 year, the maximum penality being life in jail." The judge loudly decalered over the buzzing of the room, regaining all the attention. Atsumu was looking at the judge with full attention, just waiting to hear the scentence.

"Considering the damage done both physically and mentally to the victim, attempts of taking their own life and the effects on his close ones,..." The judge looked in his papers as everyone was hooked on what could possibly be his next words.

"Minimum of 22 years in jail, probation being appliable at 15 years." He said before hitting his hammer one last time, this time warm tears rolling down Atsumu's cheeks as he smiled widely , turning to his lawyer and hugging him.

Oikawa awkwardly patted the man's back, trying to comfort him, but inside he was a little bit annoyed by the sudden physical contact, controling his impulse to push Atsumu down and perhaps harm him.

Atsumu walked out from behind his own oak desk, joining the audience, in which his family and Sakusa were all overjoyed for him.

"It's finally over!"


Atsumu smiled widely as he flexed his arms beside Bokuto's trying to figure out who had more meat on them now that Atsumu finally had an appropriate diet and started to work out more. He gained weight, mostly in muscle mass, which he was proud of.

Hinata jumped on him, saying Atsumu was probably strong enough to carry a man or two at this point, which everyone laughed at. His smile was so refreshing now that it wasn't getting pinched back by any kind of bad thoughts or fears.

He turned to look a Sakusa, winking at the black haired man. Sakusa rolled his eyes at Atsumu, not even bothering to interact with them. But he waited for Atsumu to finish his social time as he played a game on his phone. He knew it was a form of therapy for Atsumu, being around people he loved was a way to help releif from any form of anxiety, which was a good thing. Sakusa did notice, the more social time Atsumu had, the better his mood and his improvement on his mental health.

Sakusa was proud of Atsumu, watching him improve and become so much of a better person then he already was since the whole almost suicide thing. He was still sending in emails every two or three weeks to Atsumu's therapist, since he had to tell the woman if there was improvements or not in the boys' mental health, saying how much more lively he's been, and honestly, his positivity almost matched Hinata's.

Atsumu tapped on his shoulder lihhtly before stepping away again. "Sorry, I called yer name twice, ya didn't answer. Wanna head home?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Sakusa hummed and put away his phone. He waved goodbye to the remaining MSBY players as he and the blonde man walked back to the appartement complex.

"You know, I told you I didn't care if you stood a bit closer, right?" Sakusa told Atsumu as he glance at the boy, who was 2 meters away. "But I know how much you hate when your personal space is invaded.

Sakusa growled lowly and grabbed Atsumu's wrist, pulling him into a hug a little rougly. He felt the blonde boy flinch a bit, which he felt bad for, but he still hugged him as carefully as possible.

"I dare you to use that excuse again, honey." He whispered in Atsumu's ear, making the setter whimper a bit before he hid his face in Sakusa's shoulder as he hugged the ace tighter.

"Fine, I'm sorry... I'm just scared to startle you with any sudden contact." Atsumu said after about a minute, slowly loosening his grip and looking at Sakusa in the eyes.

"And out of the 2 last month's we've been together, your that scared to scare me? I signed up for this Atsumu. And if you ever think I will turn like the asshole who put you down, your wrong. I told you the day I confessed, I want to shower you in the love and affection you need and deserve, I want to help you and watch you get better, I want to see you happy." He said as he intertwined his fingers with Atsumu's before leaning towards him a bit, leaving an almost teasing peck on Atsumu's lips.

"I love you, honey, remember that."

"I swear that you only call me honey because of all the Berry Bee Benson memes of me on twitter."


The end :)
Also, I may have a few new fanfic ideas already 👀👀
MAYBE an IWAOI  coming.
Keyword: maybe.

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