chapter 4. pill diet pill diet

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He threw himself on his bed violently, biting his lip harshly to stop a loud yell from escaping his mouth. He held onto his chest violently as he could feel it tightening and slowly restricting his breathing.

His senses slowly started to numb as his breathing became worse. His lips felt like they were getting 1000 needles in them and his lungs were on fire.

His vision became rather blurry and tunneled, his heart beat picking up again. It was one of his many panic attacks, one of the times he would need to medicate to suppress it so it wouldn't get worse.

And so he chugged a bit of water and swallowed his pills, not paying attention how much he actually took. He genuinely was so sick and tired of it all, so he couldn't care less if he over did it with the medication.

It took a few moments to calm down, but he felt his body slowly regained feeling after the pills started to work. It was 10pm and he knew he would need to take sleeping pills soon to sleep.

He took a lot of medication and he was starting to wonder if his whole diet consisted of pills, which he didn't quite like. Anxiety, depression, headaches and sleeping meds were either stored neatly in the mirror cabinet in his bathroom, either in his nightstand.

He slowly looked at his phone, the protector screen cracked from falling to the ground earlier. He sighed and picked up his device, slowly peeling off the dipped glass protector off the original screen, revealing a now crack-less surface. He switched it with a new protector, sticking nicely to his screen.

He turned the said phone back on, now calmed and under the effect of his relaxants, he entered the nip and watches at the screen went from black to bright after putting in the code.

His brother texted him and so did Joon. He replied to his brother, chatting for a bit before Osamu bid good night.

Atsumu was a little curious to what Joon sent today, which he will soon regret being curious. He clicked on the contact, revealing an apparant monologue from the other male. It was mostly threats and all, which did scare him a little.

But his eyes widened at the last message.

"Just you wait, I almost figured out where you're hiding Baby boy. Hide and seek is almost over :)"

He quickly shut the app and jumped up, licking all of his windows, shutting the curtains too. He double locked the door as he didn't feel safe anymore.

He picked up his phone again, opening the messaging app again and scrolling to another contact. He clicked on the message option and simply typed; also making dure to keep his cover act up.



-Heyyyy Omi mind if we walk to practice together tomorrow?;)

wtf miya its 11.30pm •
go to bed

-pleaaase omi, I'll shower
and wear a mask?

who are you.•

-Atsumu Miya..?

I am doubting it-•
and bold to assume
I need to work overtime
with your ass

-awe ya like my ass ;)?



Idk what your problem •
is today but what the heck
-fine. Just don't make
me regret it.


Shut up. And fuck you.•


Atsumu let out a sigh of relief. He plugged his phone in for the night to let it charge, getting in bed before taking out his sleeping meds, taking 2 pills even tho the doctor told him to only take half of one every few days.


His alarm clock blared in his ears loudly before he smashed the snooze harder than Sakusa when he spikes. He didn't take much time to get ready, litterally jumping straight in the shower to hold his promise.

He ate quickly after, washing his hands and brushing his teeth so Sakusa wouldn't complain. He opened the closet near the entrance door to pull out his jacket and shoes, also getting a mask from the box he kept in there.

He grabbed his sports bag and walked out of his appartement, locking it after he exited. Sakusa just so happened to be leaving at the same time, and he was surprised to see Atsumu was true to his word.

They quietly walked together (with a 3 meter distance) down to the lobby of their building by taking the stairs. Atsumu caught the sight of another man wearing a mask and a long coat at the main desk, but he looked to quickly as he followed Sakusa.

He thought it was rather funny another person was obsessing over a mask, especially in his building. ' coincidence '

They quickly made it to their practice gym together, surprising a few of their teammates.

"Yeah, well we're kinda neighbors." Atsumu simply explained, making many people over react. He got a lot of: "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US BEFORE?" Which he laughed off. "I didn't even know myself!" He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

Needless to say, the practise went well that day as Atsumu wasn't stressing about something. He was genuinely calmer than usual and starting to feel less restrained by the constant fear he had.

He knew his eyes often made contact with Sakusa, watching him play, observing smaller details like his form mid-air, his black locks going down with his sweat, and his muscles.

He also had to not gay panic a few times because, let's face it, Sakusa is litterally a greek god.

ARCADE [Sakusa x Atsumu]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora