Chapter 1- The Host Club! 🌸💕

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You stand in front of the pink school. I like pink and all, but this is too much...

You walk into the gate to the school and is met by the Chairman, Mr. Suoh.

"You must be l/n y/n, am I right?" Mr. Suoh asks.

You bow, "Yes, sir. It's nice to meet you." 

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm glad you could be with us." 

You raise up, "I'm glad I had the chance to be here."

He takes you to his office, "There will be a student to show you around, they are quite remarkable students." 

Then there was a knock at the door, "That should be them."

He opens the door and three students are standing at the door, a short brown haired boy, and two twins, they are taller than the other boy. They look at you and you smile and wave, just like you were told.

"They will show you around the school and to your classes. You are in the same classes as them, so I hope you get along." Mr. Suoh brings you over to the door, "Have a nice day, Mr L/n!"

"You too!" you wave back at him. You turn around to the three people, "Hello, I'm l/n y/n, but you can just call me y/n." 

"I'm Haruhi, and these are the twins, Hikaru and Kaoru." Haruhi, the brown haired guy says. 

"Hello." Hikaru and Kaoru says.

They show you around the school, even though it was a big school, it didn't take very long. They take you to a music room, "This is Music Room number three. It's empty most of the time, but we use it as a Host Club!"

"Host Club?" you ask raising an eyebrow.

"It's hard to explain, so I'll just show you." 

The three of you walk into the room, it's also pink. There are also rose petals flying around?! You look around, it seems like a good place to have a club.

"Haru-hi!!!" A blonde haired guy yells and come to Haruhi, you look at him and he looks annoyed. 

The guy picks Haruhi up, "Put me down!" Haruhi yells.

He sighs, "This is Tamaki."

Tamaki seems to finally realize that you were there, "Oh? Who is this?" he gets close to your face.

"My name is-"

"L/n y/n." someone interrupts. You look at them and see a tall black haired man with glasses, he is holding what seems like a binder.

"Um- yes. I'm l/n y/n, but call me y/n." you look at the man with glasses, "How'd you know that?"

"I know everyone that enters this school. I also know that you came from China, and transferred here today."

A drop of sweat goes down your face, "Yeah, I did."

"This is Kyoya." Haruhi says as he pulls Tamaki away from you.

Suddenly someone jumps up and hugs your waist, "I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka! But you can just call me Honey!" 

You look down and see someone with blonde hair hugging you at the waist. Then someone grabs him off of you.

"Mitsukuni." another tall black haired person said.

"This is Takashi Morinozuka, or Mori-senpai." Haruhi says standing next to you. 

"I'm sorry, but we have enough types in the Host Club." Tamaki says.

"No, no, that's not what I-"

Origami Crown (Kaoru Hitachiin x MALE reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora