Chapter 5

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Hikaru and Kaoru were chasing Haruhi. They wanted to put her in a bunny cosplay. Well, not really. They just wanted to see her in a 'sexy' bunny costume.

They bumped her into a table and spilled tea all over Usa-chan, Honey's stuffed bunny. Tamaki started yelling at them.

You were just sitting at a table with Kyoya and Mori. Just watching them freak out because of what Honey will do when he wakes up.

"Do you know what blood type Honey has?" Tamaki asks Haruhi.

"No, and why does it matter?" she says

"He has type AB!"


"He has the same blood type as Kyoya!"

"Is there something wrong with my blood type?" Kyoya asks.

"Why are they freaking out about your blood type?" you whisper to Kyoya. He shrugs.

You got up and started to clean up the tea. Honey came up besides you, "Who did this?"

You look at Tamaki and the twins, they just poke their heads up from the couch.

"I'm sorry, Honey I-" you start.

"Usa-chan wanted tea, so he got some." Mori interrupted.

You look up at him. He just looks at you and shakes his head.


The next day, the guests were with Honey. You were talking with the twins.

Haruhi comes up to Honey, "You know if you keep eating only sweets you're going to get a cavity."

"It's okay, Haru-chan!" Honey says as he takes a bite of some cake. He grunts a little.

Everyone looks at him. You, Hikaru and Kaoru go up to him.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Honey mumbles, holding his jaw.

Mori runs over and pushes Honey to the couch and looks in his mouth. Mori looks to Tamaki, "Tamaki."

"I know what I need to do." Tamaki says, he turns around and looks at the guests and the rest of the host club, "From here until Honey-senpai's tooth gets better, we recommend that you do not bring snacks into the host room."


Honey walked down the hallway with a tied ribbon on his face, it made him look like a bunny. You watched him walk down the hall, you nudge Kaoru a little, "Do you think that you'd look good in that?" you ask, you smirk at him.

He smirked back at you, "You think so, y/n?"

You smiled. Then Haruhi and Hikaru come up behind you and Kaoru, they watch what is happening with Honey and Mori.

Mori grabbed Honey's bag and turning it over, spilling a ton of candy out of his bag.

"Damn," Haruhi said, "I feel bad for Honey."

We start walking away, "I didn't know that Mori-senpai could be so ruthless." Hikaru says.


You were with the guests, one of them was across from you.

"I wanted to bring you come snack my father brought back from Europe, but we aren't able to bring it because of Honey's tooth!" one of the guests says.

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