Chapter Two

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16:12pm, Blue bedroom, Van Gogh

The next day was worrisome as ever I had to rush home from school and tidy everything up, well mostly my room. I had moved the chair that sat by the window back over towards my desk that was messily taken over with crumpled sheets of paper, bottles of water and tubes of paint and paint brushes. I quickly tossed the bottles and scrunched paper over towards the small bin that sat in the corner while I stacked the piles of paper and shoved the paintbrushes away into a pencil holder along with the tubes into the drawer.

I sighed gazing around my room, I decided to fix up my bed a bit and soon grabbed a big broom sweeping my floors and under the small round carpet that was beside my bed. My panic was soon over as I had made sure everything was neat and tidy till I heard the door knocking faintly from down stairs.
"Just in the nick of time.." I sighed making my way down standing at the front down carefully fixing my bandage as I gave myself a pat down and soon opened the door. John was stood waiting with his hands in his pockets while he looked to be in a ditsy trance.
"Hello." I cooed as his eyes soon found me and he smiled nodding.

"Sup eh short stack." He replied back as I frowned rolling my eyes as I soon stepped aside.
"Just come inside.." I mumbled as he walked in with his cheesy smirk mumbling 'gladly' as I closed the door behind us.
"Where eh ah are we working?" He asked as I led him upstairs.

"We'll be working in my room if that's alright with you.." I muttered as he nodded continuing to follow me up to my room as he glanced about my house. We soon entered, John took a seat down on the edge of my bed I stayed standing beside my desk.
"Your beds ah really comfy" he cooed as he bounced on my bed as I mentally scowled while he ruffled my sheets.

'I just made that bed' I thought with a huff as I watched him continuing to bounce as he chuckled to himself. I might've slipped a smile as he looked like he was having fun.
"So..what kind of sculpture were you thinking we should do?" I asked John as his bouncing came to a halt as he gazed at me with a cocked brow.

"Sculpture? How about we make one of me? Seems easy enough.." he shrugged smiling as I shook my head. I didn't mind the idea but it was a group project.
"I don't mind the idea...but how about we expand it a bit?" I suggested as John hummed sighing a 'fine'.
"Well instead of just building a sculpture of you how about we do one of each other?" I mumbled unsure of his response. I could hear him shuffling about probably now standing as I heard his footsteps, he was now in front of me. I kind of felt intimidated due to his height as he towered over me.

"You're a genius Van Gogh!" He cooed happily as he was down to my height with a grin I couldn't help slip a blush. He was intimidatingly cute, I smiled anxiously nodding as he ruffled my hair or well my fringe.
"So shall we get started?" He asked as I nodded opening a drawer so I didn't have to look at his face and soon enough I found some clay and paint.

The rest of the day ran by quite smoothly, we didn't argue or feel awkward with each other. I'd say I was rather content with how everything went. We talked quite a bit or well John did the talking I'd just fill in the missing info as we got to know each other a bit better than we did from the start. He really was an alright guy and not intimidating as I thought earlier on. We eventually got to painting our tiny models of each other after they cooled down from being stuck in the oven to harden.

I made a little JFK as he attempted trying to make a model of myself.

"Hey uh Vinnie I think I messed up umm painting your hair...I got some blue on it." He huffed as I glanced over and chuckled shaking my head.
"That's because your supposed to clean your brush before using another colour plus it would be better if you used a smaller brush too." I hummed as he awed gently understanding.

"Here." I cooed handing him a small bristled brush as he took it swapping the other brush over. I dumped it into the water as he went over his mistake with a smile as I soon continued painting JFK.

We eventually finished painting them releasing a sigh of relief from the both of us as we sat back in our seats and admired our work.
"Wow Vinnie, that really does look like me!" He spoke surprisedly with a grin as he gently took it out of my hand and put it beside his face as he glanced at me.
"It's uncanny even my ass is correct!" He chuckled grinning like the model as I joined in with his chuckling.
"Well I'm glad you like it..may I see me?" I asked as John nodded handing himself back to me.

"It's not as I pictured it would turn out like but it's the best these big hands could do." He mumbled shyly as he gently handed me myself. I peered at the model and just as he said it wasn't perfect but I can't help but love it more.
"It's beautiful.." I mumbled as John blushed at the compliment crossing his arms.
"Well I'm glad you like it." He smiled as I nodded handing it back carefully into his hand.
"Umm Vin what time is it?" John asked as I hummed and glance up at my clock.
"Just about seven why?" I asked as he squeaked softly getting up off his seat while he placed mini me down.

"I'm late fowa dinner thanks for today I'll catch you tomorrow!" He cooed with a soft grin as he soon rushed out of my room thumping down the stairs and soon shut the door. I smiled leaning back in my chair feeling as if I perhaps made a friend or a close acquaintance.

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